graveyards in English

a burial ground, especially one beside a church.
He was buried beside my mother in the graveyard beside the church in the little town near our ranch.
synonyms:cemeteryburial groundburying groundnecropoliscolumbariummemorial park/gardenboneyardpotter's field

Use "graveyards" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "graveyards" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "graveyards", or refer to the context using the word "graveyards" in the English Dictionary.

1. He takes a macabre interest in graveyards.

2. Amid London fogs and gloomy graveyards Adrip with dews and yews.

3. You know, some people argue that changing educational administration is like moving graveyards.

4. The obvious solution is to disinter the graveyards and begin burning the skeletons posthaste .

5. Acolyte: Seek out the local graveyards. Those buried there will serve you well.

6. 14 The obvious solution is to disinter the graveyards and begin burning the skeletons posthaste .

7. Tons of railings and beautiful iron statues, some from graveyards, were melted down for the war effort.

8. The coronavirus pandemic is leaving India's morgues piling up with the dead and graveyards and Crematoriums overwhelmed.

9. “Building more prisons to address crime is like building more graveyards to address a fatal disease.”—ROBERT GANGI, CORRECTIONAL EXPERT.

10. Lesser Celandine is a characteristic spring flower of woodlands, hedgerows, graveyards and parks where its shiny flowers can carpet area with gold between March and May

11. Broomsticks Lyrics: Broomsticks, tombs in graveyards loom / Tall hats, black cats, cauldrons brew / We fly by the light of the full moon / Watch your neck when wolfsbane starts to bloom

12. Darul Ulum Haqqaniya Akora Khattak of Maulana Samiul Haq issued its own fatwa Apostatising the Shia in 1986, saying that eating food cooked by them, attending their funerals and burying them in Sunni graveyards stood banned.

13. ‘I see 8,000 miles of Boreens each summer and notice a rapid, unsustainable decline in common meadows.’ ‘People imagined that the ghosts or spirits of the dead were to be encountered in the fields, the Boreens and graveyards, once darkness falls.’