grave concern in English

serious worry, consternatio

Use "grave concern" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "grave concern" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "grave concern", or refer to the context using the word "grave concern" in the English Dictionary.

1. He expressed grave concern at American attitudes.

2. They watched with grave concern the formidable ascent of U

3. Concern to somebody This is a matter of grave Concern to our members

4. Expresses grave concern at reports of insufficient and limited access to the crash site;

5. If the use of chemical weapons is confirmed, it is a matter of grave concern.

6. Expressing grave concern that continuing Israeli settlement activities are dangerously imperilling the viability of the two-State solution based on the 1967 lines,

7. Associated with the problems of poverty and unemployment is the problem of Beggary which is a social problem of great magnitude and grave concern in developing countries

8. In Brussels, Belgium, the North Atlantic Council, the governing body of NATO, expressed "grave concern" over the missile launch, and issued a statement expressing regret and condemnation on July

9. Beggary in India Associated with the problems of poverty and unemployment is the problem of Beggary which is a social problem of great magnitude and grave concern in developing countries

10. The Security Council recalls its grave concern at the risk posed by non-State actors that attempt to develop, acquire, manufacture, possess, transport, transfer or use nuclear, chemical and biological weapons and their means of delivery.

11. Expressing grave concern about the adverse impact of climate change and ocean acidification on the health and survival of coral reefs and related ecosystems around the world, including through sea-level rise, the increase in the severity and incidence of coral bleaching, rising sea surface temperature and higher storm intensity, combined with the synergistic negative effects of waste run-off, overfishing, destructive fishing practices, alien invasive species and coral mining,