granulomas in English

a mass of granulation tissue, typically produced in response to infection, inflammation, or the presence of a foreign substance.
A punch biopsy of the lesion showed tuberculous granulomas within the epiglottic tissue.

Use "granulomas" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "granulomas" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "granulomas", or refer to the context using the word "granulomas" in the English Dictionary.

1. Histological examination revealed Actinomycetous bacteria associated with multifocal systemic granulomas

2. The occurrence of epitheloid granulomas may support the diagnosis of Crohn's disease, but is not mandatory.

3. Granulomatous disease can become quite extensive. Here are numerous confluent granulomas a case of pulmonary tuberculosis.

4. Online ahead of print.ABSTRACTOBJECTIVE: To identify stable and discriminating radiomic features on non-contrast CT scans to develop more generalisable radiomic classifiers for distinguishing granulomas from Adenocarcinomas.METHODS: In total, 412 patients with Adenocarcinomas and granulomas from three institutions were retrospectively included.

5. Granulomas with or without central coagulation necrosis may occur. Media and adventitia show a marked fibrous hyperplasia.

6. • Recurrent, acute ear infections in addition to chronic effusion and anatomic alteration of the tympanic membrane (e.g., retraction pocket, granulomas)

7. Histomorphologically, small vessel vasculitis with neutrophil alveolitis and diffuse alveolar hemorrhage, as well as extravascular intraparenchymal or peribronchial granulomas, can point to PSV.

8. 20 LL leprosydemonstrates a normal epidermis, subepidermal granulomas particularly aroundblood vessels, nerves, and skin appendages, foamy histiocytes, and manyintracellular acid-fast bacilli.

9. Abstract Granulomas are an infrequent finding in bone marrow biopsies and may be associated with a broad spectrum of infectious and non-infectious disorders.

10. In Figure 4, C, higher expression of low-frequency Gabor features in Adenocarcinomas can be seen when compared with granulomas in Figure 5, C

11. Berylliosis definition, beryllium poisoning, characterized by the formation of granulomas, primarily affecting the lungs and causing a cough, chest pain, and shortness of breath

12. There can be necrosis in the center of these granulomas which on gross examination resembles that of a cheese and hence it is referred to as “Caseous NECROSIS”

13. A nestling Derbyan parrot (Psittacula derbiana) was presented with unusual subcutaneous swellings of the thigh regions, and poor growth.Histological examination revealed Actinomycetous bacteria associated with multifocal systemic granulomas

14. Autopsy findings included anasarca, bilateral pleural effusions, ascites and hepatosplenomegaly as well as multiple, up to pinhead sized, white granulomas on the surface of liver, spleen and lungs.

15. Blunting in most small intestinal specimens that have increased intraepithelial lymphocytes Variable crypt distortion in 47% of colon specimens Non-caseating granulomas in [] The duodenum exhibited villous Blunting, swollen and granular appearance, micronodular pattern, and exuberant ecchymotic areas (Figure 1

16. Wounds occuring in the skin as burns, stasis ulcers, cutaneous wounds, donor skin surgery wounds, chemical, mechanical or laser peel burns, chapped lips, cracked nipples, diaper rash, severe cuts, abrasions, sunburn, diabetic ulcers, trophic lesions such as decubitus ulcers, allergic ulcers, dehiscence wonds, acral lick dermatitis (acral lick granulomas in animals), lacerations, and wounds that are traumatic in origin, which are commonly resistant to the natural healing process, may be treated with this composition.