good living in English

satisfactory salary, generous salary; luxury, good life

Use "good living" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "good living" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "good living", or refer to the context using the word "good living" in the English Dictionary.

1. 17 It's a good living.

2. 9 Finally, form good living habits.

3. 8 This is not a good living habit.

4. He makes a good living as a builder.

5. 2 I make a good living. I can't complain.

6. 7 Good living, because we will die along time!

7. 1 He makes a good living as a builder.

8. 10 Who knew lab rats made such a good living?

9. In Japan a fungus forager can earn a good living.

10. 19 " They are clever enough to make a good living.

11. Your education will equip you to earn a good living.

12. 22 A good living, qiao from elder sister is big daughter.

13. 20 In Japan a fungus forager can earn a good living.

14. 11 To be healthy, you should have a good living habit.

15. 13 Give him something to earn his living, a good living.

16. 24 My sons landscapes for corporations and earns a good living.

17. 3 Your education will equip you to earn a good living.

18. 25 Because his family could not a good living in their hometown.

19. 15 People wish to be in good healthto have good living habits.

20. In Ephesus, many silversmiths made a good living making silver shrines of Artemis.

21. 21 A little good living would have made this youth plump and swaggering.

22. 18 Mike made a good living by advising on interior decoration and lighting.

23. 27 The public rooms are spacious and create a discreet atmosphere of good living.

24. “Pleasure-lovers stay poor, he will not grow rich who loves wine and good living.”

25. 26 Firstly, her book is notable for its attempt to combine good living with economy.

26. 23 The people are making a good living and are contented , each in his station.

27. 12 Berlin was well known for its good living in between the two world wars.

28. The Arabized Birgid people need to find ways to make a good living, free from violence

29. 4 There was a good living to be had for a shrewd man in an institution.

30. Come home to The Courtyards of Tulsa, a special place that reflects a taste for good living

31. 29 Lots of sports he knew made their living at this game, and a good living, too.

32. He made a good living, and seemed resentful of his wife's decision to take in a lodger.

33. 6 Now he's making a good living building decks out of hardwood for second-home people, who are proliferating.

34. 5 He made a good living,[] and seemed resentful of his wife's decision to take in a lodger.

35. 28 You found Paradise in Mede . Had a good job, made a good living, had police protection and there were courts of law.

36. 16 Xinzeyuan Floricultural Garden devotes itself to provide a good living and working environment for painters and builds a modern artistic temple hall.

37. Considerings – 3.68k followers, 215 following, 20834 Pins Deep (what, here? Okay, also shallow) Thinker, Truth Teller and Seeker of Good; Living life in Silver Linings

38. 14 "And a very good living it was, " Charles added: "only five-and-twenty miles from Uppercross, and in a very fine country: fine part of Dorsetshire.

39. Unlike Germany, its industrious neighbor to the northwest, Austria is content to bask in its good living and elegant, opulent past as the former head of one of Europe's grandest empires.

40. Alternative occupations such as small engine and radio/TV repair, welding, typing and animal husbandry are considered more suitable skills for landmine survivors to learn, as they are occupations where amputees and the physically disabled have been able to earn a good living.