godship in English


divinity, deity, godhood; rank or condition of a god; god, goddess; (Humorous) title used when referring to a godlike perso

Use "godship" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "godship" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "godship", or refer to the context using the word "godship" in the English Dictionary.

1. A Dramatic Test of Godship

2. After initiating the discussion, Jehovah provides reasonable criteria for settling the issue of Godship.

3. And he will prove his Godship once again when he delivers the nation.

4. The Bible tells us that creation gives proof of Jehovah’s “eternal power and Godship.”

5. 9 Significantly, the Bible presents the ability to foretell the future accurately as a test of Godship.

6. Finally, in a dramatic test of Godship on Mount Carmel, fire came down from heaven and consumed Elijah’s sacrifice.

7. (Acts 17:29) Moreover, to worship a created thing rather than the Creator is an affront to Jehovah’s Godship.

8. He is about to present his own answer to the severest test of Godship —the ability to foretell the future accurately.

9. 18 When Jehovah ‘speaks out’ in defense of his Godship, his people will no longer need to speak out in their own defense.