go on record in English

state publicly for the record

Use "go on record" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "go on record" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "go on record", or refer to the context using the word "go on record" in the English Dictionary.

1. James E. Garret, I, Carol Garret, want to go on record as saying I love you!

2. I will go on record to say this; that I have seen things that I cannot explain.

3. I said, "I'll love you tomorrow, but I want to go on record as saying this is trouble."

4. If not fearful, they will be resentful that others get an opportunity to go on record with their complaints.

5. However, when you ask for their solutions to those problems, they aren't willing to go on record with sweeping changes.

6. I'll go on record right now about the 1649cc inline-Six: It's one of the greatest production motorcycle engines ever made.

7. But I'm going to go on record as saying that, for non-computer-geeks everywhere, the iPad is going to redefine computing.

8. I'd also like to go on record as wishing I'd had the wit and moral courage to make the speech Mrs . Jordan did.

9. If it lasts into April — as it almost surely will — this one will go on record as the longest in the postwar era .

10. In my experience, people in requirements meetings tend to throw any old thing out there just to go on record as having said it.

11. "I'd like to go on record as saying what a good job Tomasz did over the last couple of months, " Van der Sar said.

12. He may order that anything said by a member without his permission shall not go on record and that anything found unparliamentary shall be expunged .

13. Go on record with a new project, relationship, diet, or exercise regimen. Publicly declare that you are ready for the next chapter in your life.

14. It allows cannabis-friendly legislators to get a Buttload of legislation passed, and conservative legislators to go on record as having voted for only one cannabis-related item.

15. In fact, I'm happy to go on record as saying that the ability to create a reality distortion field is right up there alongside optimism as an entrepreneur's most valuable weapon.

16. The House is expected to approve the credit card bill with the gun amendment included, but to allow lawmakers to go on record as voting against the amendment, said a senior House aide.

17. Tori Spelling and Jennie Garth gave their side of the story after their former co-star, Vanessa Marcil, accused the 90210 cast of "Cattiness." Read why Tori is now "going to go on record."