glimpses in English

a momentary or partial view.
she caught a glimpse of the ocean
see or perceive briefly or partially.
he glimpsed a figure standing in the shade
synonyms:catch sight ofnoticediscernspotspysightpick outmake outespydescry

Use "glimpses" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "glimpses" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "glimpses", or refer to the context using the word "glimpses" in the English Dictionary.

1. It offers mini-glimpses that startle.

2. They caught occasional glimpses of great birds circling.

3. Getty Center reveals itself in tantalizing glimpses.

4. Those glimpses express our hopes and dreams, our failures and frailty.

5. We do have a few glimpses, through the keyhole as it were.

6. Brief glimpses could be had of a glistening bar and its Bedeckings

7. Brief glimpses could be had of a glistening bar and its Bedeckings

8. Brief glimpses could be had of a glistening bar and its Bedeckings

9. Brief glimpses could be had of a glistening bar and its Bedeckings

10. The book of Revelation gives us thrilling glimpses of their heavenly inheritance.

11. Brief glimpses could be had of a glistening bar and its Bedeckings

12. A clockwork loses its luster once one glimpses the gears beneath its face.

13. The letters of bishop Avitus and Cassiodorus provide glimpses of Gundobad's intellectual side.

14. This approach also gives us fascinating glimpses of the fallibility of great scientists.

15. This biography offers a few glimpses of his life before he became famous.

16. How grateful we are for the glimpses the Bible provides of Jesus’ prehuman existence!

17. Brief glimpses could be had of a glistening bar and its Bedeckings

18. Brief glimpses could be had of a glistening bar and its Bedeckings

19. We can, however, get small glimpses of these blessings through the pages of the Bible.

20. I wanted no more riotous excursions with privileged glimpses into the human heart.

21. Nature is full of icons or images that reveal glimpses into another world.

22. He got more glimpses of backstage life, but it was what happened onstage that gripped his imagination.

23. Through the Bilingual Librarian blog we can catch glimpses of these alternative mobile libraries.

24. And because they've been given a tantalising series of glimpses of a fuller life, they're aware and starving.

25. Cockfight is a series of glimpses into the parts of peoples lies that we hide, bury, and deny

26. From the occasional glimpses Affordedof him, however, a precised picture of his rise back up the commercial ranks has emerged

27. 27 There are glimpses into the future joy of the coming festival as we revisit the Old Testament prophet Isaiah.

28. And in these books, you can find these short, little glimpses of moments and experiences and people that I meet.

29. Occasionally, though, television offers a few glimpses of people who have developed very deep mastery, become real craftsmen.

30. Climbing the steep mountain roads round hairpin bends was quite dramatic and more than once I had glimpses of distant eagles.

31. The Otto's claimed to hear the doll giggle , and swear they caught glimpses of the doll running about the house .

32. 18 Gazing along wild green shoreline, peering into dark, lush undergrowth, I watched for glimpses of heavy-set black heads.

33. But his grandfather he only saw in brief glimpses, when James called in the hope of being given a shilling.

34. Having captivating glimpses and sizeable languages help this ornamental typeface comes into the Cognizances of some eager designers before arranging a creative design

35. It does not just reflect retrogressive approaches but gives us glimpses of the future government under the leadership of current deputy Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak.

36. Faintly, I hear the woman saying "Ay, Dios, " again and again, and I catch glimpses of her towering over us as we fight.

37. Steps from the pool with glimpses of the sparkling Gulf of Mexico from the generous front balcony, welcome to Gulf Place Caribbean #213: Chasein' The Dream

38. ‘There are some eye-opening glimpses into the business of recording, musical discoveries with amplification, sharecropping life, and the get-down funkiness of the juke joints and Barrelhouses.’

39. 8 There was a coziness in those glimpses of Depression-era America, a small-town feel even to the big-city streetscapes that can perhaps never be recaptured.

40. In contrast, Nolan Feeney from Entertainment Weekly characterized the songs on the album as sounding "like glimpses of the real Britney—her musical tastes, her voice—imperfections and all."

41. Glimpses of television news programs reveal that the US government considers the shooting a terrorist act and is pressuring the Moroccan government to apprehend the culprits.

42. The Black Hills offer unrivaled trails that wind through pristine natural areas, often affording glimpses of bison, deer, bighorn sheep, mountain lions and prairie dogs in the grasslands and forests.

43. Adventures in Boundlessness is a membership platform that provides guidance and glimpses into a new reality emerging on the horizon that is the cutting-edge of evolutionary possibility

44. Through this mist could be seen a white church, here and there roofs of cottages in Borodino, and fitful glimpses came of compact masses of soldiers, and green ammunition-boxes and cannons.

45. Coal Black voices is an intimate mosaic of images, poetry, and storytelling by the Affrilachian Poets as they glimpses of life in the American Black South and Appalachian region

46. Spend the Night With Lions, Tigers, and Bears in These Prefab Glamping Pods At a wildlife rehabilitation center in Denmark, rentable Cabins by Iglucraft allow guests to catch glimpses of endangered species.

47. Another penal order was for the body to be "Anatomised" after execution, as in the case of a man namedFragments of Two Centuries Glimpses of Country Life when George III

48. The Agonies But if there is ecstasy, there are Agonies too. Moving toward higher consciousness and occasionally experiencing glimpses or tastes of it involves some downs, as well as ups. Sometimes the agony and ecstasy take turns.

49. " He was in the house about half an hour, and I could catch glimpses of him in the windows of the sitting- room, pacing up and down, talking excitedly, and waving his arms.

50. In another oration of Demosthenes we discover glimpses of what by many has been deemed maritime insurance, or rather of the fraud at present called Barratry, which is practised to defraud the insurer: but, as Park in his learned Treatise on Marine