give ear in English


listen, be attentive to, pay attentio

Use "give ear" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "give ear" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "give ear", or refer to the context using the word "give ear" in the English Dictionary.

1. I beg you to give ear to my word.

2. Then she said, Give ear to your servants words.

3. You should give ear to what he has to say.

4. We must give ear to the criticism of the masses.

5. True or untrue, don't give ear to those infernal tales.

6. Lucy would not give ear to such kind of talking.

7. And Isaiah said to Hezekiah, Give ear to the word of the Lord.

8. Give ear to this , Job; Stand still and consider the wondrous acts of God.

9. The teacher asked the class to give ear to what the speaker was lecturing.

10. Give ear to my prayer, O God; and hide not thyself from my supplication.

11. Not to be influenced by, or give ear to knavish tattling servants, or others.

12. Give ear , O Lord, unto my prayer and attend to the voice of my supplications.

13. Who among you will give ear to this? Who will give heed and listen hereafter?

14. Give ear to my prayer, O God; And do not hide Yourself from my supplication.

15. Give ear , O LORD, unto my prayer and attend to the voice of my supplications.

16. Give ear , O Lord, to my prayer; And give heed to the voice of my supplications!

17. Men give ear to an upstart astronomer who tries to show that the Earth revolves, not the Sun and the Moon.

18. 14 Men give ear to an upstart astronomer who tries to show that the Earth revolves, not the Sun and the Moon.

19. Hear the word of the Lord, ye rulers of Sodom, give ear to the law of our God, ye people of Gomorrha.

20. And they did not give ear, but became stiff-necked ,(Sentencedict) like their fathers who had no faith in the Lord their God.

21. Give ear, O Lord , and hear; open your eyes, O Lord , and see; listen to the words Sennacherib has sent to insult the living God.

22. Give ear, all you inhabitants of the system of things, you sons of humankind as well as you sons of man, you rich one and you poor one together.

23. He made many valuable points, but note this key thought: “Do give ear to this, O Job; stand still and show yourself attentive to the wonderful works of God.” −Job 37:14.