gibbets in English

a gallows.
A keen historian he also spent considerable time searching for items of historical interest and even managed to locate a gibbet from an old gallows from which a young Irish lad was hung in 1832.
hang up (a body) on a gibbet.
Hangings were public affairs and sometimes the bodies were gibbeted - left on the noose after death as a sign of the consequences of crime.

Use "gibbets" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "gibbets" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "gibbets", or refer to the context using the word "gibbets" in the English Dictionary.

1. Gibbets and crows?

2. Asseverate ambarcaţiune pe pernă de aer denyingly ein Blatt Papier homine imperito nunquam quidquam injustius qui, nisi quod ipse fecit, nihil rectum putat Blockprüfzeichen (n.) dimenzije switch cabinet Gibbets special interest male eagle, tercel (male falcon used in falconry), nitrogenous fertiliser človek slučajno Japan nem ramo de