gettysburg address in English

a speech delivered on November 19, 1863, by President Abraham Lincoln at the dedication of the national cemetery on the site of the Battle of Gettysburg.

Use "gettysburg address" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "gettysburg address" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "gettysburg address", or refer to the context using the word "gettysburg address" in the English Dictionary.

1. This is the famous Gettysburg Address.

2. He cited lines from Lincoln's Gettysburg Address.

3. Your friend already gave me the Gettysburg Address.

4. Lincoln's gettysburg address is a beautiful piece of write.

5. The Gettysburg Address, a historic address delivered by Abraham Lincoln.

6. That speech has come to be known as the Gettysburg Address.

7. Lincoln's Gettysburg address and his second inauguration speech also marble wall.

8. Everyone in the class has to learn Lincoln's Gettysburg Address by heart.

9. That's how Abraham Lincoln described the American government in his Gettysburg Address.

10. The Gettysburg Address is probably the best presidential speech in American history.

11. President Lincoln's Gettysburg Address is widely read for their gifted literary expression.

12. We're looking at the Gettysburg Address. And Michelle's describing what Lincoln's words mean.

13. There's the Lincoln Memorial: Gettysburg Address on one side, Second Inaugural on the other.

14. Abraham Lincoln, in delivering the Gettysburg Address for'Government of the peoplethe people, for the people.

15. It will also feature a reading of President Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg address of 18

16. The Gettysburg Address memorialized both the soldiers who fought and the nation they fought for.

17. As a speaker, he has often been compared to Abraham Lincoln delivering the Gettysburg Address.

18. Early in his speech, King alludes to Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address by saying "Five score years ago ..."

19. 4 Antiqued Parchment Paper US Historical Documents - The Declaration of Independence, The US Constitution, The Bill Of Rights, and the Gettysburg Address Constitution Approx

20. Because the greatest communicators of all times, - I went through speeches, everything, - actually I can overlay the shape, even the Gettysburg Address follows the shape.

21. Previous Chinese leaders have been relatively eager to showcase their English acumen in particular Jiang Zemin, who was known to recite the Gettysburg Address and croon Elvis Presley songs.

22. Frederick Douglass called it "a sacred effort, " and Lincoln himself thought that his Second Inaugural, which offered a theodicy of the Civil War, was better than the Gettysburg Address.

23. The sublime quality of what these two men gave to us—including the Declaration of Independence and the Gettysburg Address—was not attributable to their great resources of information, for their libraries were comparatively small by our standards.