gentians in English

a plant of temperate and mountainous regions, typically with violet or vivid blue trumpet-shaped flowers. Many kinds are cultivated as ornamentals, especially as arctic alpines, and some are of medicinal use.
As we climb, the maze of trees, ferns, and blueberry bushes gives way to subalpine meadows painted with purple lupine, pale blue gentians , crimson columbine, and yellow arnica.

Use "gentians" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "gentians" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "gentians", or refer to the context using the word "gentians" in the English Dictionary.

1. Snow gentians and trumpet gentians (1), with their vivid-blue petals, carpet slopes well above the tree line.

2. 11 We picked gentians and edelweiss in Kashmir and hibiscus and bougainvillaea in our own garden.

3. There are so many more beautiful flowers–teal colored gentians, Bistorts, arctic wintergreen, saxifrages–the list goes on and on

4. In spring and summer, the Dwingelderveld heaths are transformed into a multicolored carpet made up of many flowering plants, including blue marsh gentians, pink bog heather, and yellow bog asphodels.