genealogies in English

Use "genealogies" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "genealogies" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "genealogies", or refer to the context using the word "genealogies" in the English Dictionary.

1. First Chronicles is not all about genealogies.

2. How did the Jews compile and preserve their genealogies?

3. Because official genealogies were generally traced through the men.

4. In the Hebrew Scriptures, genealogies were usually reckoned through the father.

5. American and English Genealogies in the Library of Congress.

6. Bibliographia genealogica americana : an alphabetical index to American genealogies and pedigrees contained in state, county and town histories, printed genealogies, and kindred works by Durrie, Daniel S

7. Avoid foolish questions, and genealogies, and Contentions, and strivings about the law

8. 16 Tracing back our genealogies , I found he was a kinsman of mine.

9. Genealogies describe Consanguineous relations, while estate inventories name spouses and children, both minor and adult

10. This Acrostic is derived from the first three genealogies recorded in the bible, (Genesis 4, 5, 11)

11. It was traditional for princelings to commission elaborate genealogies alleging their descent from mythical heroes or gods.

12. Cladograms are not genealogies viewed from a distance, but empirical hypotheses of relationship based on the distribution of shared derived character states

13. Find Brachez trees, crests, genealogies, biographies, DNA projects, and much more at the largest directory to free and pay genealogical sources.

14. Absurdities in the New Testament [tapitcode.html] Matthew; The gospel of Matthew begins with a boring genealogy like that we are told to avoid in 1 Timothy 1:4 ("Neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies") and Titus 3:9 ("Avoid foolish questions and genealogies")

15. Bibliographia Genealogica Americana: An Alphabetical Index to American Genealogies and Pedigrees Contained in State, County and Town Histories, Printed Genealogies, and Kindred Works: Author: Daniel Steele Durrie: Publisher: Joel Munsell, 1868: Original from: the University of California: Digitized: Jan 22, 2007: Length: 296 pages : Export

16. In addition, the genealogies based on the patronymic linkage naming system have become the cherish material for those who are engaged in national study.

17. (Genesis 22:21) Elihu "the Buzite" was probably a descendant of Buz.A name occurring in the genealogies of the tribe of Gad

18. There is, at least, no country in Europe in which servility has not invented and vanity received genealogies yet more Chimerical

19. In Cladistics, reconstructed genealogies are based on common ancestry rather than on simple anatomical similarity and therefore effectively reveal true phylogenetic relationships.

20. Many of the heroes and gods of these tabloid genealogies were in turn apparent personifications of astronomical bodies and phenomena observed anciently.

21. Some allergies, however, are not consistent along genealogies; parents who are allergic to peanuts may have children who are allergic to ragweed.

22. Or consider all the " Begots " in the genealogies that pop up here and there in the Bible, such as in the opening verses of Matthew's gospel.

23. Granted, it may seem daunting to read lengthy genealogies, detailed descriptions of the ancient temple, or complex prophecies that do not seem to relate to everyday life.

24. Armorial - of or relating to heraldry or heraldic arms; "Armorial bearing" heraldry - the study and classification of Armorial bearings and the tracing of genealogies Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection

25. To establish correct genealogies and purify bloodlines , researchers have to keep hens in separate cages and artificially inseminate them so they know who the real parents of the chicks are.

26. But often they had to draw on other sources, consulting already-existing historical accounts, genealogies or even people who were in position to supply reliable information, firsthand or otherwise.

27. Don’t Skip the Begets,Erin Davis - Study from the Bible and be encouraged to grow your faith! Most of us tend to go in hyper-skim mode when we come to the genealogies in Scripture.

28. I'm using the term 'Armorials' very loosely here, to include rolls of arms, actual Armorials, genealogies, or even history books with lots of pictures of arms; basically, any source, handwritten or printed, which contains a number of emblazons

29. One of these intellectual tyrants, a man of great ability, when he quarrelled with any one, used to threaten to "Bastardise" him, or to find the bend-sinister somewhere in his ancestry; and his experience in long genealogies made him feel assured, in the general case

30. The fact that the Holy Scriptures go to great lengths to established definitive genealogies, not only in Genesis (especially chapter 5) but also in Luke chapter 3, shows that these early chapters cannot be merely Allegorized without doing grave damage to the intent of the primary author, God, and the secondary author, Moses.