gas poison in English

oxious gas, harmful gas

Use "gas poison" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "gas poison" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "gas poison", or refer to the context using the word "gas poison" in the English Dictionary.

1. This gas mask can immunize you against poison gas.

2. They contrived a mask against poison gas.

3. At the time, however, I feared poison gas.

4. The poison gas thickened as the terrible night advanced.

5. The enemy went so far as to use poison gas.

6. Poison gas, chemical fire total devastation for a 100-mile radius.

7. 3 Bombs and poison gas would rain down on undefended cities.

8. It's a land where doom hangs upon the air like poison gas.

9. 12 Green poison,[] invoke the sorcery of green fatal poisonous gas.

10. Poison gas blew off and endangered the lives of hundreds of persons.

11. There are reports that poison gas is being used against the rebels.

12. He perished from poison gas, I believe, On a field in France.

13. Whether it's against poison gas or pollution or radiation he can't say.

14. A heavy overcast like a poison gas cloud was stationary over the battered city.

15. Neither armies, nor warships, nor military aircraft, nor poison gas will then be needed.

16. Now, the problem with V.X. poison gas is... that it's designed specifically to withstand napalm.

17. 26 A heavy overcast like a poison gas cloud was stationary over the battered city.

18. The poison gas blew off from the pipe and endangered the lives of about hundreds.

19. Will some poison gas,( waste water or solid waste be released from your project?

20. Traditional assessment methods of poison gas leakage under earthquake and their shortcoming are briefly discussed.

21. The report contained details of the poison gas and cited examples of accidents involving it.

22. The helicopters, some American officials later surmised, were used to spray poison gas on the Kurds.

23. The paper analyzes the factors effecting on poison gas diffusion, including gaseous diffusion models, types of leakage source, geographic setting, weather factors and gas properties.

24. There was fear of poison gas, in a nation where Zyklon-B was part of the collective memory.

25. We use shower heads to deliver poison gas, letters with anthrax, airplanes as weapons, mass rape as a military strategy.