gametangia in English

a specialized organ or cell in which gametes are formed in algae, ferns, and some other plants.
Both gametangia form from a stereotyped series of divisions of a terminal apical cell, unlike the gametangia of liverworts and hornworts.

Use "gametangia" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "gametangia" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "gametangia", or refer to the context using the word "gametangia" in the English Dictionary.

1. This is the structure that produces the female gametangia, Archegonia

2. Sperm cells in algal and many plant gametophytes are produced in male gametangia (antheridia) via mitotic division.

3. In plant reproductive system: The cellular basis …the male gametangia are called antheridia and the female oogonia or Archegonia

4. Other articles where Antheridium is discussed: plant reproductive system: The cellular basis: …the male gametangia are called antheridia and the female oogonia or archegonia

5. Reproductio sexualis per game- tangia; gametangia discreta carens; organa reproductionis Adjacentia, donantia per porum recipientem in pariete; oosporae singulares, apleroticae, pariete aut laevi aut ornato

6. Answer: The correct answer is option 5- Gametangia Explanation: Archegonia (pleural of Archegonium) and Antheridia (pleural of Antheridium) are sex organs in bryophytes and fe view the full answer

7. Fucoid algae release male and female gametangia (Antheridia and oogonia) through multicellular pores to the surface of the alga from spherical, subepidermal conceptacles present throughout the reproductive tissue (receptacles, Fritsch 1945)

8. Apart from the features mentioned above, D. uninucleatus differs from D. albidus and D. aggregatus in other important characteristics, such as the method of gametangia formation and the structure of the cell wall.