gallops in English

the fastest pace of a horse or other quadruped, with all the feet off the ground together in each stride.
the horse broke into a furious gallop
(of a horse) go at the pace of a gallop.
The horses galloped at an astonishing pace, racing for the edge of the forest, through the Hollow Mists of Leba, desperate to escape.
(of a process or time) progress rapidly in a seemingly uncontrollable manner.
panic about the deadline galloping toward them

Use "gallops" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "gallops" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "gallops", or refer to the context using the word "gallops" in the English Dictionary.

1. Sometime she gallops o'er a courtier's nose,

2. A yabusame archer gallops down a 255-meter-long track at high speed.

3. A big white heron gallops out of the creek on his gawky orange legs and gobbles it up.

4. #nocommentchick #Destiny #Birdbrains got Stunlocked in This Debate - nocommentchick Gish Gallops, Strawmans and Bad Fa

5. But he was taken last month to Bill Wightman's gallops on the lovely downland on which the great Halloween was trained.

6. After Shai Avital: Neta Alchemister gallops forward Celebs native After Shai Avital: Neta Alchemister gallops forward While the affair of modeling agent Shai Avital still resonates, the boiling model and her husband decided to combine business and pleasure and put photographers in the luxury apartment they share in Netanya.

7. Heroic legend Beowulf gallops through the epic and mythical Shieldlands, to his childhood home of Herot, hoping to set right past wrongs.

8. As important as Broad brush’s works were, his gallops were even more important, which was the reason Flow and Flux was so valuable

9. As for those willing to take the plunge into the Animalistically risqué unknown, The Death of Dick Long gallops to the finish line with commanding tenacity, its final moments hitting me like a swift kick to the head from a startled horse I'd made the unfortunate mistake to frighten from behind.