gagged in English

put a gag on (someone).
she was bound and gagged by robbers in her home
choke or retch.
he gagged on the sourness of the wine
tell jokes.

Use "gagged" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "gagged" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "gagged", or refer to the context using the word "gagged" in the English Dictionary.

1. I knelt by the toilet and gagged.

2. He was left bound and gagged .

3. He almost gagged on his first mouthful of food.

4. The thieves left the night - watchman tied up and gagged.

5. Thick clouds of red dust gagged the workers.

6. Joe gagged on his first cigarette, red-faced and choking.

7. 4 Joe gagged on his first cigarette,( red-faced and choking.

8. Synonyms for Barfed include vomited, retched, spewed, spewn, puked, heaved, gagged, hurled, upchucked and slanged

9. Janir took a sip of the medicine and gagged at the vile taste.

10. 23 Pete gagged Donald with an apron that had a picture of a spaniel on it.

11. During the trip, one man twisted her neck and gagged her so she could not call for help.

12. It is something that cannot be stamped out, or stifled, or gagged, or suppressed by any means.

13. He jumps back, and he gags, and we had to do it three times, and all three times he gagged.

14. The ads photographed by Mark Liddell, which feature Alba wrapped in and gagged with black tape, drew national media attention.

15. Bound and gagged (=tied up, and with cloth tied around your mouth so you cannot speak) b) (also Bind up)

16. Barbarian bondage bound bulwark captured cid cloth gagged gid gold kidnapped knocked otm otn out tied toil trouble up gelda tundar did Bulwarked damselindistress couplesindistress guysindistress

17. Simple past tense and past participle of bind 1905, Baroness Emmuska Orczy, chapter 1, in The Fate of the Artemis‎[1]: “[…] Captain Markam had been found lying half-insensible, gagged and Bound, on the floor of the sitting-room, his hands and feet tightly pinioned, and a woollen comforter wound closely round his mouth and neck; whilst Mrs

18. Chloroform Murder (114) Kidnapping (100) Blood (73) Bound And Gagged (71) Flashback (69) Death (68) Abduction (62) Revenge (56) Bare Chested Male (53) Violence (53) Bondage (50) Police (50) Escape (48) Husband Wife Relationship (48) Chase (46) Tied To A Chair (46) Female Nudity (43) Photograph (43) Corpse (42) Explosion (41) Telephone Call (41

19. Seattle’s clearly in the grip of a Baconic Convergence.How else do you explain the following: November’s rollout of the Bacon Salt boys’ latest, Baconnaise—yeah, it is bacon-flavored mayonnaise—got a major bump after Jon Stewart famously gagged on the stuff on national TV in late February.According to a recent report in the Seattle Times, online sales of Baconnaise went up “by a