french and indian war in English

North American war (1754–63) between France and Great Britain.

Use "french and indian war" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "french and indian war" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "french and indian war", or refer to the context using the word "french and indian war" in the English Dictionary.

1. 1758 – French and Indian War: British forces capture Fort Duquesne from French control.

2. Birth of America has two wars, the French and Indian War and the American Revolution.

3. In 1754, during the French and Indian War, Franklin published his famous woodcut of a snake cut into eight sections.

4. The Old Barracks Museum preserves the history of a building constructed in 1758 as a French and Indian War military Barracks, used as winter quarters for British soldiers

5. Little is known of Chief Cornstalk, whose Indian name was Wynepuechsika, before the 1750s, when he fought with the French against the British during the French and Indian War

6. References to Armories, where matériel for common defense is stored and used in training troops, appear at various times in the records of Asheville, Edenton, Fayetteville, Salisbury, Wilmington, and other North Carolina locations.In 1755, for example, during the French and Indian War, the Assembly asked the governor "to appoint some person to provide a sufficient Store House for