freak in English

a person, animal, or plant with an unusual physical abnormality.
He was foaled in Indiana, was a mere freak of nature , and withal a very curious looking animal.
behave or cause to behave in a wild and irrational way, typically because of the effects of extreme emotion, mental illness, or drugs.
I could have freaked out and started smashing the place up
synonyms:go crazygo madgo out of one's mindgo to piecescracksnaplose controlpanicbecome hystericallose itlose one's coolcrack upgo apego postal

Use "freak" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "freak" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "freak", or refer to the context using the word "freak" in the English Dictionary.

1. A freak.

2. Step off, freak.

3. Fucking Jesus freak.

4. If you're a clean freak, this'll definitely make you a germ freak.

5. Freak. Hunchback cowboy.

6. Get back here, freak!

7. You're a chemical freak.

8. My dad would freak.

9. I was a freak.

10. A little Asian freak.

11. Yeah,'cause Cullen's a freak.

12. Some kind of freak accident

13. ( softly ) You sad, sad freak.

14. Snakes really freak me out.

15. Nothing to freak out about.

16. So, basically, I'm a freak.

17. No freak performs on Halloween.

18. You think I'm some freak...

19. That Gina was a freak.

20. Let go of me, you freak.

21. To the Council, you're a freak.

22. April's sales figures were a freak.

23. No, I'm a chemical super-freak, actually.

24. 'I'm quite the town freak, which satisfies.

25. I was expecting issues with the freak.

26. Their boat sank in a freak accident.

27. He's going out with a real freak.

28. Maybe I am some kind of freak

29. I'm sensing you are a control freak.

30. Other students regarded him as a freak.

31. A freak wave had buckled the deck.

32. Bible thumping Jesus Freak, Website Powered by

33. I saw what that freak Marv could do.

34. Pull the plug on your freak show, Jerry.

35. A freak wave washed the two children away.

36. What kind of freak-ass store is this?

37. By some freak I was overpaid this month.

38. 12 A freak wave had buckled the deck.

39. He's going out with a real freak.

40. A freak wave wrecked most of the seafront.

41. These glasses make me look like a freak.

42. Is this place starting to freak you out?

43. No, for my freak show of a mother.

44. He's only six and he's a Lego freak.

45. And here's the thing that should freak you out.

46. I'm just saying, don't freak out until you're sure.

47. That's because you're a control freak who's lost control.

48. He was like a freak show at the carnival.

49. Or maybe I'll sell you to a freak show.

50. If that cannibal freak doesn't beat him to it.