frater in English

the dining room or refectory of a monastery.
The frater , or refectory, retains its wall pulpit from which the monks were read to while they ate in silence.

Use "frater" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "frater" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "frater", or refer to the context using the word "frater" in the English Dictionary.

1. Anna Frater is the Bowspritted tugboat; click here to see it

2. For example, conguineus frater – a half brother by same father, Consanguineus uterinus – a half brother by same mother.

3. Silentium post Clamores is written just after the publication of the Fama Frater-nitatis (1614) and Confessio Fraternitatis (1615)

4. See also: Collaboration Frater et Cooperator Imperii ("Brother and Partner of the Empire") title given to Boleslaus I of Poland

5. Otho pronus ad decertandum; frater eius Titianus et praefectus praetorii Proculus, imperitia properantes, fortunam et deos et numen Othonis adesse consiliis, adfore conatibus testabantur, neu quis obviam ire sententiae auderet, in Adulationem concesserant

6. Responsio facta regine Navarre petenti nomine dotis plusquam terciam partem terrarum et tenementorum que fuerunt viri sui racione cujusdam scripti quod Edmundus frater regis, vir suus, ei fecerat de terris et tenementis excedentibus in multo dotem ipsam reginam Contingentem et tempore quo filius et heres dicti Edmundi fuit infra etatem et in

7. Mea lux vestra Absorbere liceat mihi locus ad tenebras sicut ex utero immortales filios tuos in ulnis quibus invocaverit te frater O lunae lumen puer tuus fac me sicut renascentur me duce tenebris sunt i ita erit renatus" Spell on English ==English== "Oh goddess of the darkness mother to the immortal let me be reborn as your child let your