foxhole in English

a hole in the ground used by troops as a shelter against enemy fire or as a firing point.
With his group completely surrounded and cut off, he moved from foxhole to foxhole exposing himself to enemy fire, giving instructions and offering encouragement to his men.

Use "foxhole" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "foxhole" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "foxhole", or refer to the context using the word "foxhole" in the English Dictionary.

1. Foxhole!

2. The other jumped in packer's foxhole.

3. The safe word's " foxhole, " God damn it!

4. 12 The sentry guard dived into his foxhole and closely observed the stranger towards him.

5. They don't hand those medals out for hiding in your foxhole.

6. You gotta be under fire with somebody, he's the guy you want in your foxhole.

7. For Sorcerer, who sat listening at his foxhole, the war had become a state of mind.

8. His final case for social democracy is a "show-me- a -better-foxhole" plea . Nothing else looks more desirable.

9. On returning to my foxhole, I found it occupied by the 3d Platoon of B Com-pany.

10. They were named, likely by the press, for the foxhole, a defensive fighting position used during the war.

11. Cobelligerents They share our foxhole but not our truth Say what you want about Saul, I like the man

12. You would think that Battlefield Bob had Bivouacked in a foxhole a few hundred yards from an enemy position.

13. Hideaway, hideout, retreat, refuge, den, shelter, sanctuary, Bolthole, foxhole, lair, safe house, asylum, sanctum, hermitage, oasis, haven, harbour, place of safety