foster parent in English

woman or man who takes the place of a biological parent in raising a child, foster mother or fathe

Use "foster parent" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "foster parent" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "foster parent", or refer to the context using the word "foster parent" in the English Dictionary.

1. I took Magic Bean home to become his foster parent

2. Exactly how hard would it be to become a foster parent?

3. Triton was the father of Pallas and foster parent to the goddess Athena.

4. It might be possible for a single woman to be accepted as a foster parent.

5. If you feel a strong call to help you could look into becoming a foster parent.

6. Apparently I was not the only prospective foster parent who was treated by society staff like a pariah.

7. Intimate substituted parent - child relationship between fostered child and foster parent was determineu by more informal social support and younger fostered age of child.

8. Adoption; give custody to relatives; independent living arrangements for older youth; permanent guardianship to an adult relative, foster parent or another adult with a significant relationship with the child

9. She watches the nest-building activities of the chosen foster parent, and after one or more eggs have been laid in the nest, the cuckoo deposits one of her own eggs while the other bird is absent.