for shame ! in English

that is disgraceful, that is wrong

Use "for shame !" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "for shame !" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "for shame !", or refer to the context using the word "for shame !" in the English Dictionary.

1. She drooped her head for shame.

2. Her pregnancy was no cause for shame.

3. FRlAR Peace, ho, for shame! confusion's cure lives not

4. Be quiet, or -- More light, more light! -- For shame!

5. Hearing the words, he hung down his head for shame.

6. CAPULET For shame, bring Juliet forth; her lord is come.

7. By Gis and by Saint Charity Alack, and file for shame

8. 3 But the protection of Pharʹaoh will become for you a reason for shame,

9. As to singleness, Jehovah does not view it as a cause for shame or grief.

10. How many Pre-eminences, Priviledges, Advantages hath God bestowed on thee? thou rangest above the heavens by Contemplation, Conceivest the motion and magnitude of the stars; thou talkest with Angels, yea with God himself; thou has all Creatures within thy Dominion, and keepest the Devils in subjection: Do not then, for shame, deface thy Nature