flirt in English

a person who habitually flirts.
It wasn't that she was a flirt , because she wasn't one, it was just that none of them ever seemed right for her.
behave as though attracted to or trying to attract someone, but for amusement rather than with serious intentions.
it amused him to flirt with her
synonyms:trifle withtoy withteaselead on
(of a bird) wave or open and shut (its wings or tail) with a quick flicking motion.
The broad palms of his tail are flirted high in the air; then smiting the surface, the thunderous concussion resounds for miles.

Use "flirt" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "flirt" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "flirt", or refer to the context using the word "flirt" in the English Dictionary.

1. He's a compulsive flirt.

2. Don't flirt with girls.

3. He's a shameless flirt.

4. Well, I never flirt.

5. 12 synonyms for Coquet: dally, flirt, toy, trifle, flirt, chat up, Coquette, mash, philander, romance

6. 13 Just a flirt, she chastised herself, and probably a married flirt for all that.

7. She's a real flirt.

8. She's an incorrigible flirt!

9. Her husband is an incorrigible flirt.

10. They say he's a terrible flirt.

11. Of course she'll flirt with anybody.

12. Women may flirt, but men pounce.

13. I've seen her flirt, up close.

14. Peter, you are an incorrigible flirt!

15. And she would flirt with every man there.

16. Prices still flirt with deflation ( see chart ).

17. You're lonely. You want to flirt a little.

18. He used to flirt with every girl he met.

19. If I flirt, he gets into a jealous rage.

20. Now I have to watch her flirt with another man.

21. Wang still has plenty of time to flirt with perfect games.

22. It's simply not cricket to flirt with another man's wife.

23. When did you last flirt with him or tease him?

24. He was a flirt with all the girls in school.

25. The men she likes are those that flirt with her.

26. It feeds your ego to flirt with me, doesn't it?

27. He went from looking 45 to 25 and sprang into flirt mode.

28. 7 synonyms for Coquetry: dalliance, flirtation, flirtation, flirting, toying, dalliance, flirt

29. 7 synonyms for Coquetry: dalliance, flirtation, flirtation, flirting, toying, dalliance, flirt

30. You shouldn't play around with ( ie flirt with ) another woman's husband.

31. PEDR Well , sure, I flirted with her, but I flirt with everyone!

32. Who doesn't know that those two often secretly flirt with each other!

33. It embarrasses me when you flirt with other women in front of me.

34. With the father, you wanna flirt a little, but not in a gross way.

35. We are trying to flirt with China in order to bring pressure on them.

36. Fr Coqueter, to flirt, lit., to strut like a rooster < Coquet, dim

37. (Matthew 5:27, 28) Another matter: Have you been prone to flirt and play the field, earning a reputation as a playboy or a flirt among those of the opposite sex?

38. If I die under a skirt, I can still flirt as a ghost.

39. If this is how all the GeIIers flirt, we don't have a problem.

40. Meet new people on – the #1 online dating, flirt and singles chat website

41. For Farini was not only a good businessman, he was also an unregenerate flirt.

42. After all, she was all right to flirt with at parties and escort him occasionally.

43. Flirt Vivaciously: Flirting doesn't have to be reserved for just when you first meet.

44. It was clear that Anna had no worries about her husband's attempts to flirt.

45. But if you find yourself burned by a flirt, do not give up on life.

46. If you want to flirt with women and get them attracted to you, be CHEEKY!

47. See when you flirt with a guy you think, I'm just flirting, no big deal.

48. They flirt in the darkness of the restaurant, and afterward, Mary gives Tim her phone number.

49. Nobody told you to flirt with me like a grown mature responsible adult man would do.

50. Coquette definition, a woman who flirts lightheartedly with men to win their admiration and affection; flirt