flavone in English

a colorless crystalline compound that is the basis of a number of white or yellow plant pigments.
Flavonoids are plant derivatives of flavone with various degrees of hydroxylation and glycosidic substitutions.

Use "flavone" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "flavone" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "flavone", or refer to the context using the word "flavone" in the English Dictionary.

1. Flavone almost completely inhibited the activation of extracellular signal regulated kinase 1.

2. For functional polymer of rosin allyl alcohol ester, the static adsorption of ginkgo biloba flavone was

3. Myricitrin (Figure 5 (g)) is a flavone exact from the root bark of Myrica cerifera, Myrica esculenta, Ampelopsis grossedentata, and …

4. Only one factor, a C-glycosyl poly-hydroxy flavone, which could conceivably interfere with protein absorption, has been identified.

5. Bioflavonoid definition: any of a group of biologically active flavone compounds that may help maintain the Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

6. Amarum resulted in the isolation of the sesquiterpenes Aromaticin (1), mexicanin I (2), tenulin (4) and amaralin (5), and the flavone

7. What does Bioflavonoid mean? Any of a group of biologically active flavone compounds that may help maintain the blood's capillary walls, reducing the

8. Bioflavonoids: ( bī'ō-flāv'on-oydz ), Naturally occurring flavone or coumarin derivatives commonly found in citrus fruits having the activity of the so-called vitamin P, notably rutin and esculin.