first world in English

the industrialized capitalist countries of western Europe, North America, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand.
In common usage, the Third World comprises all countries not included in the First World and the Second World.

Use "first world" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "first world" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "first world", or refer to the context using the word "first world" in the English Dictionary.

1. Airships in the First World War; Airships

2. Atrocities in the First World War During the First World War most countries publicized stories of enemy soldiers committing Atrocities

3. Raising Considerate Children in a Me-First World

4. It was featured on her first world tour, KylieX2008.

5. Caravans & Charabancs – Leisure Motoring After the First World War, was a First World War Commemorative project from the National Motor Museum Trust in partn

6. Caravans & Charabancs – Leisure Motoring After the First World War, was a First World War Commemorative project from the National Motor Museum Trust in partn

7. After the First World War Binding rejoined the family business.

8. 3 He was maimed in a First World War battle.

9. It is a consequence of post first world war society.”

10. The First World War interrupted access to the export markets.

11. Underwater acoustics was used for detecting submarines in the first World War.

12. " His father, a tailor, was a Unteroffizier in the First World war "

13. COVER SUBJECT: Raising Considerate Children in a Me-First World 8-11

14. He says he can take your brother to a first world doctor.

15. After Sot It's Jens Lehmann's first World Cup as Germany's number one.

16. The first world championship race was held at Silverstone, United Kingdom in 1950.

17. 16 That's a different slant on the causes of the First World War.

18. By the end of the First World War submarines had proved their potential.

19. The Action of Elouges 24 August 1914, was fought during the First World War.

20. I was drafted when the United States became embroiled in the first world war.

21. The First World War was the turning point for the economy of Northern England.

22. After the First World War, local services to the south rarely continued to Wissembourg.

23. He won the Military Cross and rose to Major in the first world war.

24. The World Climate Programme (WCP) was established following the first World Climate Conference in 1979.

25. At the beginning of the first world war he applied unsuccessfully to rejoin the army.

26. Read the essential details about the background to Blighty Wounds in the First World War

27. After the First World War the voluntary hospitals faced a severe and growing financial crisis.

28. One historian noted: “The First World War [beginning in 1914] was the first ‘total’ war.”

29. Though the First World War was over, the danger for the Aintab saints was not

30. Politically and diplomatically, the barriers against their use by a First World country are massive.

31. After the First World War, he began his career as a middle- and long-distance runner.

32. The capricious and flighty Colette continued to see De Morny occasionally until the first world war.

33. The League of Nations, with headquarters at Geneva, formed in 1919 after the First World War.

34. Before the First World War, Wolf emigrated from Germany to Cuba, which became his second home.

35. Prior to the First World War, there was a much more limited control of international trade.

36. Ironically enough, his main field experience occurred as a fortuitous consequence of the First World War.

37. He was a miner and he went off to the First World War and got killed.

38. The league of Nations was formed after the First World War to try to keep peace.

39. Through the First World War, much thinking about Allotments continued to emphasise their role in rural economies

40. Our century, particularly since the first world war in 1914, has been called the “age of violence.”

41. That he could not prevent the first world war plunged the septuagenarian steel tycoon into a depression.

42. He was South Africa's leading ace of the First World War, being credited with 54 aerial victories.

43. In the twenty years prior to the First World War there were numerous incidents of football hooliganism.

44. After the first world war, the punitive peace treaty was surely a ‘pushing,’ an incitement to retaliation.

45. But Milton O. Cross had already built the first world-wide Transfer Line in America five years before.

46. Birdlike German 'Taube' aircraft, on display at Les Invalides, Paris, during the height of the First World War

47. The development of league football in Russia was stopped by the outbreak of First World War in 1914.

48. However, during the first world war, he learned to read and write while spending time in the trenches.

49. A Third Hague Conference was called for 1915, but this was abandoned due to the First World War.

50. "Exchange Rates and Casualties During the First World War." Journal of Monetary Economics 51.8 (2004): 1711–42