file merge in English

combining of a number of separate files into a single file (Computers)

Use "file merge" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "file merge" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "file merge", or refer to the context using the word "file merge" in the English Dictionary.

1. To merge current Calls into one conference call, tap Call merge

2. Tell Autocrat which fields to merge via <<merge tags>>

3. To merge current Calls into one conference Call, tap Call merge

4. Merge Branch 'iss53' Conflicts: index.html # # It looks like you may be committing a merge

5. 26 If you're working in a team environment, you'll need to obtain an exclusive lock on the data file (.nextsuitebehavior) since you won't be able to merge the file in your version control system.

6. Advanced, Measured Progress to Merge

7. Night and day begin to merge.

8. Memories seemed to merge with reality.

9. Bone fracture merge blood vessel neurotrosis.

10. The roads merge a kilometre ahead.

11. Many companies merge and few demerge.

12. His department will merge with mine.

13. The two roads merge a mile ahead.

14. The banks are set to merge next year.

15. Merge Chunks using the logic in dask.array.rechunk()

16. Purpose of the “git merge –Abort” Operation:

17. Agrestic and majestic are never gonna merge.

18. These merge to become the Jordan River.

19. Merge with Crystal Palace and lose Wimbledon's identity.

20. Our schools should never moss request you to merge

21. They are likely to merge with a bigger firm.

22. They decided to merge the two companies into one.

23. If you do "git status" while having a merge conflict, the first thing git shows you is how to Abort the merge

24. As they grow they merge into one another.

25. You must check your insurance when banks merge.