fig leaf in English

a leaf of a fig tree, often depicted as concealing the genitals in paintings and sculpture.
The young woman, whose speech and behavior reek of defiance bordering on dementia, disapproves of the puritanism that placed a plaster fig leaf over the genitals of a statue of God.

Use "fig leaf" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "fig leaf" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "fig leaf", or refer to the context using the word "fig leaf" in the English Dictionary.

1. 18 But this fig leaf fooled no one.

2. 24 The fig leaf, however,( helped little.

3. But there is more fig leaf than fact in this rationalization.

4. 7 This deal is little more than a fig leaf for the continued destruction of the landscape.

5. The spokesperson said the information campaign was a fig leaf to hide the most regressive tax in history.

6. 6 The spokesperson said the information campaign was a fig leaf to hide the most regressive tax in history.

7. 9 The spokesperson said the information campaign was a fig leaf to hide the most regressive tax in history.

8. 5 The spokesperson said the information campaign was a fig leaf to hide the most regressive tax in history.

9. During the Counter-Reformation there was a "fig-leaf campaign" aiming to cover all representations of human genitals in paintings and sculptures that started with Michelangelo's works.

10. The lack of a public health necessity for forced Cremations brings into question the intent of the cremation policy and it appears to be a fig leaf for discrimination.

11. The results showed that the effects of different rootstocks were different. The trend of scion growth was fig-leaf-gourd, bottle gourd Hua No. 3 as rootstock was better than Chinese pumpkin

12. “At the highest level, this is a novel case -- a truly important case -- because it deals with the use of privacy as a sort of fig leaf for Anticompetitive conduct,” said Damien Geradin, the