fibs in English

a lie, typically an unimportant one.
parents told little white fibs about out-of-wedlock births
synonyms:lieuntruthfalsehoodmade-up storyinventionfabricationdeception(piece of) fiction(little) white liehalf-truthtall story/talewhopper
tell an unimportant lie.
But a Cornell professor recently claimed to have established the truth of a curious proposition: We fib less frequently when we're online than when we're talking in person.

Use "fibs" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "fibs" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "fibs", or refer to the context using the word "fibs" in the English Dictionary.

1. Clara's fibs and evasion disturbed her not in the least that morning.

2. Synonyms for Bullshits include lies, fibs, fabricates, prevaricates, prevaricateth, dissimulates, deceives, deludes, falsifies and misleads