fibonacci in English


family name; Leonardo Fibonacci (1170-1240), Italian mathematician after whom the concept of Fibonacci numbers is named

Use "fibonacci" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "fibonacci" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "fibonacci", or refer to the context using the word "fibonacci" in the English Dictionary.

1. The Fibonacci polynomials are another generalization of Fibonacci numbers.

2. Explanation of the Fibonacci Bamboozlement

3. Blockhead: The Life of Fibonacci


5. If the sheriff was available, he wasn't the one guarding Fibonacci.

6. In terms of applications, Fibonacci numbers appear in nature surprisingly often.

7. For the Fibonacci heap, the find-minimum operation takes constant (O(1)) amortized time.

8. In Spain, Fibonacci found it useful to do equations without using the abacus.

9. Then the Fibonacci sequences form a 2-dimensional Z-module in the same way.

10. These same digits and fractional notation appear soon after in the work of Fibonacci in the 13th century.

11. The Fibonacci Bamboozlement is a dissection fallacy where the rearrangement of pieces in a square can be used to

12. Fibonacci presented the first complete European account of Arabic numerals and the Hindu-Arabic numeral system in his Liber Abaci (1202).

13. Use the activity below to explore some Bamboozlements of a square and learn about the amazing connection to the Fibonacci numbers.

14. In about 1202, Fibonacci published his book Liber Abaci (Book of Calculation) which introduced the concept of positional notation into Europe.

15. In Erlang, you separate these statements using a semicolon,[sentencedict .com] so the basic Fibonacci function can be defined as shown in Listing

16. Practical numbers were used by Fibonacci in his Liber Abaci (1202) in connection with the problem of representing rational numbers as Egyptian fractions.

17. The researchers said the "idea that prices retrace to a Fibonacci ratio or round fraction of the previous trend clearly lacks any scientific rationale".

18. In the Liber Abaci, Fibonacci says the following introducing the so-called "Modus Indorum" or the method of the Indians, today known as Arabic numerals .

19. Robert is giving away his schecter ‘fibonacci sequence’ black ultraCure guitar – played at every Cure show in 2016 – for the benefit of uk music

20. R. N. Elliott's analysis of the mathematical properties of waves and patterns eventually led him to conclude that "The Fibonacci Summation Series is the basis of The Wave Principle".

21. The system was little known in Europe before the distinguished mathematician Leonardo Fibonacci (also known as Leonardo of Pisa) introduced it in 1202 in Liber abaci (Book of the Abacus).

22. Some of the most widely circulating books, such as the Liber Abaci by Leonardo Fibonacci of Pisa, included applications of mathematics and arithmetic to business practice or were business manuals based on sophisticated numeracy.

23. Indeed, the person we call Fibonacci was actually named Leonardo of Pisa, and these numbers appear in his book "Liber Abaci," which taught the Western world the methods of arithmetic that we use today.

24. The second version of Fibonacci's famous book on mathematics, Liber Abaci, was dedicated to Scot in 1227, and it has been suggested that Scot played a part in Fibonacci's presentation of the Fibonacci sequence.

25. The Socionomics Institute also reviewed data in the Batchelor–Ramyar study, and said these data show "Fibonacci ratios do occur more often in the stock market than would be expected in a random environment".

26. Numbers from the Fibonacci sequence surface repeatedly in Elliott wave structures, including motive waves (1, 3, 5), a single full cycle (8 waves), and the completed motive (89 waves) and corrective (55 waves) patterns.

27. The greedy algorithm for Egyptian fractions, first described in 1202 by Fibonacci in his book Liber Abaci, finds an expansion in which each successive term is the largest unit fraction that is no larger than the remaining number to be represented.

28. A random Fibonacci sequence can be defined by tossing a coin for each position n of the sequence and taking F(n) = F(n − 1) + F(n − 2) if it lands heads and F(n) = F(n − 1) − F(n − 2) if it lands tails.

29. Teachings of the INYTH and the Arcadian/Archonian Co-Evolutionary Ascension/Inscension; The Evolution of Creation From An Infinitesimal Partiki to What It Currently Is Now and Beyond; The HyperpyraSPHERECUBE: The Merkabah Upgrade For the Human Angelic Light Body; The Lotus / Flower of Life, Krystic / Fibonacci Spiral & Metatron’s Cube

30. A mathematical-historical analysis of Fibonacci's context and proximity to Béjaïa, an important exporter of wax in his time, has suggested that it was actually the bee-keepers of Béjaïa and the knowledge of the bee ancestries that truly inspired the Fibonacci sequence rather than the rabbit reproduction model as presented in his famous book Liber Abaci.