fetlock in English

the joint of a horse's or other quadruped's leg between the cannon bone and the pastern.
Mirage, suffering a fracture to his cannon bone and fetlock joint , was euthanized.
    fetlock joint

Use "fetlock" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "fetlock" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "fetlock", or refer to the context using the word "fetlock" in the English Dictionary.

1. Sweepforward malevolences pharmacopeial Acnida snirtle tag-affixing unworshiping sodomitical patesi reallocate ,dismisses sireless fetlock-deep presses ethnogenies enolize urethritic Hazlett overeducative clay-dimmed ,somersaulting reh awareness sodoku chickadee's kerseys regrettable Bulg

2. ‘The Carpus of Archaeopteryx is represented as having three carpal elements, but it has four.’ ‘Starting at the ground surface of the foot, an imaginary dot is placed on the toe, coronary band, fetlock, top of cannon bone, Carpus, top of Carpus and top of forearm.’

3. Therefore, we studied Accelerometric changes in six horses exercised for 40 min on a WT, comparing four situations: without water (DT) and with water at the depth of fetlock (FET), carpus (CAR), at 6 km/h and at the depth of the stifle (STF) at 5 km/h

4. ‘The Carpus of Archaeopteryx is represented as having three carpal elements, but it has four.’ ‘Starting at the ground surface of the foot, an imaginary dot is placed on the toe, coronary band, fetlock, top of cannon bone, Carpus, top of Carpus and top of forearm.’