female sex in English

females, women, womanhood

Use "female sex" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "female sex" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "female sex", or refer to the context using the word "female sex" in the English Dictionary.

1. 7 Oestrogen is a female sex hormone.

2. Ø Female sex organ is called Archegonia

3. Archegonia) the female sex organ of BRYOPHYTA, PTERIDOPHYTES and most GYMNOSPERMS

4. Archegonia) the female sex organ of BRYOPHYTA, PTERIDOPHYTES and most GYMNOSPERMS

5. Archegonium is the female sex organ, which produces female gametes mainly in cryptogams

6. Explain the most promising strategies for ending the traditional mutilation of female sex organs.

7. Archegonia are the female sex organ of algae, ferns, mosses, fungi and certain plants (conifers)

8. Archegonia) The multicellular flask-shaped female sex organ of bryophytes, clubmosses, horsetails, ferns, and many gymnosperms

9. The Amanita muscaria mushroom is seen as both the male and female sex organs of its personified deity.

10. As for sex and squint, both sexes are susceptible, but the female sex somewhat more than the male.

11. Benzophenone is believed to mimic the female sex hormone oestrogen and has been linked to skin reactions in previous studies

12. Archegonia definition: a female sex organ, occurring in mosses , spore-bearing vascular plants, and gymnosperms Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

13. Archegonium definition: a female sex organ, occurring in mosses , spore-bearing vascular plants, and gymnosperms Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

14. Finally, he explains, “Moses…speaketh more fully Witches in the Masculine, than in the female Sex; it Confuteth that common tradition of people that Witches are most of the female Sex.” It seems safe to assume then that Ady saw men and women as equally likely to be witches.

15. A female sex organ occurring in mosses, ferns, and most gymnosperms Familiarity information: Archegonium used as a noun is very rare.

16. Aromatase excess syndrome is a condition characterized by elevated levels of the female sex hormone estrogen in both males and females

17. For instance, one study of 555 female sex workers found that 45% self-reported pornographic influence driving clientele desire for anal sex.

18. The key difference between Antheridia and archegonia is that Antheridia are male sex reproductive structures whereas archegonia are female sex reproductive structures

19. This research lead to the discovery of estrone and other primary female sex hormones, which were extracted from several thousand liters of urine.

20. Blastomere (Blast-omere): any cell resulting from the cell division or cleavage process that occurs following the fertilization of a female sex cell (egg cell).

21. In this case, its extreme manifestation is an increase in the Clitoris, in which this female sex organ resembles the penis of a man in size

22. The Aromatase enzyme is present in both men and women, it is a key precursor to the manufacture and release of the female sex hormone Estrogen.

23. Male sex organs known as Antheridia and female sex organs, which are referred to as archegonia, are typically located at the tips of the main shoots of gametophyte mosses

24. Male sex organs known as antheridia and female sex organs, which are referred to as Archegonia, are typically located at the tips of the main shoots of gametophyte mosses

25. The ovaries are also part of the endocrine system because they produce female sex hormones such as estrogen (pronounced: es-truh-jun) and progesterone (pronounced: pro-jes-tuh-rone).

26. Archegonium - a female sex organ occurring in mosses, ferns, and most gymnosperms plant organ - a functional and structural unit of a plant or fungus Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection

27. Archegonium - a female sex organ occurring in mosses, ferns, and most gymnosperms plant organ - a functional and structural unit of a plant or fungus Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection

28. Archegonium The female sex organ in non-flowering plants is the Archegonium. The plant will usually have more than one Archegonium, so we refer to them collectively as archegonia. You can identify

29. ‘It is a necessary precursor of the estradiol (female sex hormone), Androsterone (male sex hormone), and other hormones.’ ‘As of now, however, the possible anticonvulsant effects of Androsterone have not been well characterized.’

30. While many biologists have used Androgyne/androgynous for such things as plants with both male and female sex characteristics, others have used the term over the years to deprecate men who seem too female and women who seem too male.

31. The aetiology is not completely understood, but environmental factors, including female sex hormones, ultraviolet light exposure and infections, play an important part, as does a genetic predisposition with genetic polymorphisms in immunoglobulin-Fc receptor genes, cytokine genes, complement genes and genes regulating apoptosis.

32. At that time, the five signs most often interpreted as diagnostic of homosexuality were 1) buttocks and anuses; 2) feminine clothing; 3) male or female sex organs; 4) human figures without male or female features; and 5) human figures with both male and female features.

33. In the last decade and a half we have witnessed a wave of attention to Androgyny, the blending of masculine and feminine traits into a reputedly new human type, Proponents of Androgyny deny that there is any meaningful biological base to male and female sex roles

34. Anisogamy, and the resulting sex-specific selection, does not only lead to distinct sex roles and sex differences in life-history and mating traits in species with separate sexes, but also in organisms where each individual exhibits both the male and female sex, either sequentially or …

35. Pizan and Crenne publicly challenge those who "ont le sexe muliebre contemne" (I vi: "have slandered the female sex," with the verb " Contemner," as we have seen, having the double meaning of slandering the reputation of and even sexually abusing women).

36. Aromatase deficiency is a condition characterized by reduced levels of the female sex hormone estrogen and increased levels of the male sex hormone testosterone.Females with Aromatase deficiency have a typical female chromosome pattern (46,XX) but are born with external genitalia that do not appear clearly female or male (ambiguous genitalia).

37. There are risk factors that contribute to the development of the pathology among which include the type of activity, inadequate training techniques, soil conditions, and the type of footwear used, also abnormal pronation of the subtalar joint, the female sex, a high body mass index, and decreased bone mineral density.

38. For by Assigning to the Women the same two colours as were assigned to the Priests, the Revolutionists thereby ensured that, in certain positions, every Woman would appear like a Priest, and be treated with corresponding respect and deference -- a prospect that could not fail to attract the Female Sex in a mass.

39. The Y chromosome is one of two sex Chromosomes in therian mammals, including humans, and many other animals.The other is the X chromosome.Y is normally the sex-determining chromosome in many species, since it is the presence or absence of Y that typically determines the male or female sex of offspring produced in sexual reproduction.In mammals, the Y chromosome contains the gene SRY, …

40. Emphasizing that manifestations of son preference that result in prenatal sex selection and female infanticide are an underdocumented form of discrimination against the girl child and have significant repercussions on society as a whole, expressed in high rates of female infant mortality and distorted male-female sex ratios, and noting with concern the adverse social consequences of such practices, including trafficking in persons, and that some of those harmful practices, especially in rural areas, are linked to poverty and underdevelopment