feel more in English


feel to a greater degree

Use "feel more" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "feel more" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "feel more", or refer to the context using the word "feel more" in the English Dictionary.

1. I'm sure you feel more yourself.

2. I feel more in tune with nature .

3. 18 I feel more comfortable in flats.

4. I'd feel more Christmassy if it snowed.

5. The antihistamine made her feel more comfortable.

6. Meditation relaxes you and makes you feel more healthy.

7. As a result , you may feel more forceful movements .

8. It just made me feel more isolated and incapable.

9. Thanks to her support, I began to feel more secure.”

10. I feel more fulfilled doing this than I've ever done.

11. Nobody could feel more on top of the world right now!

12. In short, dressing Artsy might actually make you feel more creative

13. I feel more compassion and less anger than I used to.

14. Often, such informal settings help adolescents feel more inclined to open up.

15. Where we value what we feel more than what we actually know.

16. For some women, breast Augmentation is a way to feel more confident.

17. I'm starting to feel more and more comfortable with this insanity plea.

18. Without a happy and secure nest, you feel more than a little crabby.

19. What made him feel more ashamed, standing in front of Cristalena, or Firebug?

20. Reading and learning can also make you feel more positive, broadening your horizons.

21. And with time you'll feel more and more connected to it and to them.

22. 24 Then you will feel more comfortable and confident when you transact your business.

23. The Blinkers actually make the horses feel more secure while they're pulling the cart

24. These Banquette benches and tables will make your kitchen feel more welcoming than ever.

25. So you feel more anxious or more tense than before you drank at all.

26. Our goal with Conversational Forms is to help make your WordPress forms feel more human.

27. Preparing a résumé will help you feel more in control as you search for work.

28. 23 As I read my mother's letter, I began to feel more and more homesick.

29. If you are an Ambivert, you may feel more introverted or extroverted at various times and

30. He made you feel more mature and seemed to help you fit in with your peers.

31. More than this, it seems likely that Aspies might actually feel more emotion/empathy than neurotypicals.

32. Ateam treats thier employees well and make you feel more like family rather than just an employee

33. (1 Corinthians 13:4, 7) “The commitment of marriage makes me feel more secure,” says one woman.

34. Nothing makes a woman feel more like a girl than a man who sings like a boy.

35. You will feel more buoyant and optimistic about the future than you have for a long time.

36. You’ll also feel more confident when facing day-to-day challenges —such as standing up to peer pressure.

37. Our selection of pH value Buffers and pH solution packs can help you feel more confident about accuracies

38. Especially once a person reaches retirement age, they often feel more freedom to indulge in the nudist lifestyle.

39. The turquoise Baseboard oozes a cool atmosphere in the room that you will feel more comfortable in it

40. Once I got A laugh from the audience, I started to feel more relaxed about giving my presentation.


42. And while he may have made you feel more mature, he did so at the cost of your health.

43. (Hebrews 13:4) Couples who obey this law feel more secure and create a better environment for their children.

44. Verb If someone in a difficult situation is Buoyed by something, it makes them feel more cheerful and optimistic.

45. Middleton says crisis and self-defense students may become hyper-vigilant at first, but ultimately they feel more confident.

46. 12 When I come away from working with Slatkin I always feel more mentally alert than when I started.

47. These will not only help your Basilisks to feel more secure by providing hiding places, plants also help maintain humidity

48. Homosexuality can therefore feel more natural to many men than their comparatively laborious, expensive, and frustrating pursuits of young women.

49. When someone develops anemia, they are said to be "Anemic." Being Anemic might mean that you feel more tired …

50. 13 Children also feel more comfortable and confident in their relationships with their parents when parents respect their right to privacy.