federal funds in English


(USA) reserve money lent and deposited overnight by one Federal Reserve Bank to anothe

Use "federal funds" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "federal funds" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "federal funds", or refer to the context using the word "federal funds" in the English Dictionary.

1. Makes additional federal funds available.

2. Beas administers federal funds from the Older Americans Act

3. Federal funds are the reserves held by banks at the Fed.

4. The Federal Reserve (Fed) implements monetary policy largely by targeting the federal funds rate.

5. This is the rate that banks charge each other for overnight loans of federal funds.

6. Individual states are encouraged to focus federal funds on improving the efficiency and safety of this network.

7. The Federal Reserve System usually adjusts the federal funds rate target by 0.25% or 0.50% at a time.

8. • Federal Funds are flowing to Province-based programs but these will be phased out by March 31, 2006.

9. The Federal Reserve (often referred to as 'The Fed') implements monetary policy largely by targeting the federal funds rate.

10. Bellingham and Whatcom in line for these federal funds from latest COVID relief bill March 22, 2021, 5:00 AM

11. Y., this week introduced a resolution to prohibit the use of federal funds for educational programs based on its use.

12. Bellingham and Whatcom in line for these federal funds from latest COVID relief bill March 22, 2021, 5:00 AM

13. GOP governors are considering tax Cuts for corporations or the rich, but a last-minute provision will keep them from using federal funds

14. New York City, Seattle and Portland, Ore., all so-called “Anarchist jurisdictions,” are trying to stop the Trump administration from withholding federal funds.

15. The FOMC uses the federal funds target rate as one of its principal tools for managing inflation and the pace of economic growth .

16. City Aldermen voted Tuesday to grant initial approval to Manchester’s proposal for use of $43.2 million in federal funds from the American Rescue Plan.

17. Allocations & Apportionments Distribution of state and federal funds for public local educational agencies and for private and nonprofit agencies participating in the child development and nutrition programs

18. Applicant FINANCIAL CAPABILITY QUESTIONNAIRE SECTION A: PURPOSE Federal agencies are required to review and evaluate the potential risks posed by Applicants prior to awarding Federal funds (2 C.F.R

19. A Michigan man pleaded guilty today to Conspiring to defraud the IRS and to steal from an organization receiving federal funds, announced Acting Deputy Assistant Attorney General Stuart M

20. At a time when the environment and the economy are both in need of the attention of a balanced and Considerate sustainable approach it appears that little is being done, or attempted, to ensure that the public's interest is first and foremost when federal funds are being spent.

21. "Blighted" areas eligible for federal funds or local tax breaks.6 This political and statutory confusion is rooted in a long history of local anxiety surrounding inner city housing,7 "slum clearance,"8 and the fate of the central business district.9 A Blighted area, as a Philadel-