faxed in English

send (a document) by fax.
Almost overnight the demand for our services plummeted as customers began faxing their documents rather than sending them by courier.

Use "faxed" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "faxed" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "faxed", or refer to the context using the word "faxed" in the English Dictionary.

1. You get her medical records faxed over?

2. Did you get the faxed copy of the 1077?

3. Reports can be easily faxed/emailed directly from CounselEAR eliminating the need for printing.

4. So you faxed my father's glasses and documents back to the 1 4th century?

5. All advertising material related to the above products should be mailed or faxed to:

6. Pre-show, Attendees may contact Customer Service to be faxed or mailed a paper registration form

7. The bank faxed a copy of his credit card account statement to an individual impersonating him.

8. The course evaluation should be faxed to the Arna office at 501.244.9903 to obtain a certificate of completion

9. A Correspondence course is a class that is carried out through distance learning, whether that is online or with print materials that are mailed or faxed

10. He had requested a transfer from his previous club with a faxed one-liner: "the salmon that idles its way downstream will never leap the waterfall.

11. Abutters List Abutter Request Form If you need a certified list of Abutters, please use the Abutters Request Form.This form can be mailed or faxed to this office

12. FIFA general secretary Sepp Blatter praised Kevin Keegan for his attacking football philosophy and personally sent him a faxed letter commending "the positive attitude you bring to our game".

13. He was also taken aback by the age that the Complainant would have been at the time of the reported drug usage, so much so that he inscribed a comment on his copy of the faxed document: "30 years old".