fascicles in English

a separately published installment of a book or other printed work.
We have also published two new fascicules from the series.
a bundle of structures, such as nerve or muscle fibers or conducting vessels in plants.
As it pursues its arched course, the superior longitudinal fasciculus gathers and sheds nerve fibers from various cortical areas, and so links them to each other.
  • fascicule
  • fibre bundlefiber bundlefasciculus

Use "fascicles" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "fascicles" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "fascicles", or refer to the context using the word "fascicles" in the English Dictionary.

1. Inflorescence Bipinnate, cylindrical, erect, 6-15 cm long, fascicles laxly (toward the base) to densely (near the apex) arranged, 1-3.5 cm apart, bearing 4 to 6 fascicles densely aggregated at …

2. Donald Knuth Description: This monograph has three popular algorithms books and a number of fascicles.

3. Disposition of Aponeuroses (aponeurosis) (whitish fibers) of superior serratus posterior intended to distribute the constraints of muscular fascicles

4. Aponeuroses The fascicles attach to the Aponeuroses and form an angle (the pennation angle) to the load axis of the muscle.

5. ‘But I can provide a more modest Antedating, taking the ‘box’ metaphor back to 1969.’ ‘Contributors have been supplying Antedatings since the first fascicles of the OED were published in the 1880s.’

6. Throughout the aganglionic colon section, processes of intrinsic neurons are absent; but close to the cone-shaped transitional section abnormal nerve fascicles are present, bound by hypertrophic perineurium, and contain masses of collagen in distended endoneurial interspaces.

7. Anatomical variations of the piriformis muscle have been reported in the literature and include a bifid or bipartite muscle, subdivision into several fascicles, tendon or muscle fusion with the gluteus medius, gluteus minimus, superior gemellus, obturator internus and/or joint capsule, as well as a Bimuscular conglomeration between the gluteus