faltered in English

start to lose strength or momentum.
her smile faltered and then faded
synonyms:hesitatedelaydrag one's feetstallwavervacillatewafflebe indecisivebe irresoluteblow hot and coldhem and hawsit on the fencedilly-dallyshilly-shally

Use "faltered" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "faltered" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "faltered", or refer to the context using the word "faltered" in the English Dictionary.

1. He never faltered.

2. My feet faltered

3. Mussina finally faltered in the seventh.

4. The experiment faltered bit by bit.

5. The untrained Nazi troops sometimes faltered.

6. 18 The dinner party conversation faltered for a moment.

7. The lecturer faltered after dropping his notes.

8. Sadly, there were others whose courage faltered.

9. My mother's grip upon the household never faltered.

10. She stared coldly, and the lady's smile faltered.

11. 16 The lecturer faltered after dropping his notes.

12. The boy faltered when the policeman demanded his name.

13. He must have been nervous, but he never faltered.

14. “‘But I cannot go without asking Grandmother,’ faltered Rupert.

15. 20 Several efforts to privatize the airline have faltered because of political opposition.

16. Hanthawaddy belatedly launched a full invasion in 1754 but it faltered.

17. I have not faltered in my quest for a new future.

18. She faltered, and he caught her just as she started to crumple.

19. Yes, his self-control faltered, but he never gave up trying to please Jehovah.

20. Half-blinded, Melissa faltered, stumbled and collided with a burly figure hurrying towards the building.

21. 14 He never hesitated or faltered. It was really almost like a conjuring trick.

22. But as the Japanese plane took off from Taipei airport its engines faltered and then failed.

23. Barcelona's La Liga title hopes faltered after they slipped to a 1-1 draw against Cadiz at

24. Sad to learn that those self-evident truths, necessary truths, faltered so badly when subjected to rigorous examination.

25. Instead you should investigate the reasons why progress has faltered by taking an analytical look through your diary.

26. His salacious grin faltered then disappeared and he glared at her, furious with himself for being tricked so easily.

27. The teacher would call us up to the front of the class to recite it, and woe betide anyone who faltered.

28. If the economy is floundering and confidence has faltered, a burst of spending might do the trick in turning around expectations.

29. THE THREE CITIES TRILOGY, COMPLETE EMILE ZOLA "Joseph Couturier," he faltered, evidently unconscious of what he was saying

30. The city at one time had talked to Edwards Theaters about building a multiplex theater there, but those talks faltered.

31. If even one of the cited companies faltered, even though it might later spring back, it became front-page news.

32. Neilson's effort to engrave Louis-Joseph QUESNEL's Colas et Colinette in 1807-09 faltered at the proof stage, and no copy is extant of The Berlin Waltz which the piano builder and music engraver Frederick Hund advertised in the Québec Mercury in 1818.

33. Analeptically speaking, Hawthorne says that "her sin, her ignominy" had given her a sense of "a new birth, with stronger assimilations than the first [birth]." The letter does its office upon Dimmesdale, but Hester--the internal evidence shows--would have gone through with their rebellion had Dimmesdale not faltered.