faking an orgasm in English

feigning sexual excitement or pleasure

Use "faking an orgasm" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "faking an orgasm" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "faking an orgasm", or refer to the context using the word "faking an orgasm" in the English Dictionary.

1. Isn't an orgasm an orgasm?

2. That's an orgasm.

3. Adam had an orgasm.

4. Faking a pregnancy.

5. She's faking?

6. Good luck faking the goiter.

7. Are you faking this?!

8. I'd not had an orgasm like that for months!

9. Every self-induced orgasm becomes an affirmation of self.

10. So you're a sex therapist but you've never had an orgasm?

11. Ox, you're faking it, right?

12. You know that women can have an hour-long orgasm?

13. Traveling by orgasm...

14. What do you doctors call faking?

15. We shall abolish the orgasm.

16. In fact, Affectation is all about faking it

17. But pleasure is important, and it helps if the woman has an orgasm.

18. Aftershocks in human females last for approximately one minute after an intense orgasm

19. Sexual preferences, partners, and preferred foreplay are all part of achieving an orgasm.

20. Maybe pain caused the orgasm.

21. Even for an artificial insemination, at least the man must reach orgasm and ejaculate.

22. "Clitoral stimulation is a necessity for most [people] to have an orgasm

23. You know all about Sammy and you've decided he's faking.

24. It's great for faking your way into hospitals.

25. He was arrested for faking some famous paintings.