fair amount in English

equitable or just measure, reasonable quantity, moderate amount

Use "fair amount" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "fair amount" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "fair amount", or refer to the context using the word "fair amount" in the English Dictionary.

1. It prefers a fair amount of nutritious detritus.

2. Initially, the venture enjoyed a fair amount of success.

3. Initially[Sentencedict], the venture enjoyed a fair amount of success.

4. Bromances are often full of jokes, pranks, and a fair amount of teasing -- matched by a fair amount of praise, and of course, a lot of hugging

5. People are taking the elections with a fair amount of cynicism.

6. A fair amount of booty went with them, but no prisoners.

7. The cars were already sliding around a fair amount all day.”

8. Judging by the shine on that car, he used a fair amount.

9. It takes a fair amount of concentration to follow the film's labyrinthine plot.

10. Mostly because anyone that's Constrained is feeling a fair amount of strain because of it.

11. Configuration Inserting log requests into the application code requires a fair amount of planning and effort

12. Consigning your RV is a big commitment, and as such, requires a fair amount of preparation

13. Acorn is our favorite restaurant in Denver and we do a fair amount of fine dining

14. 14 She used a fair amount of poetic licence when describing her life in rural France.

15. Season both sides of the Brisket with a fair amount of kosher salt and ground black pepper

16. Taking into account the various dialects, there appears to be a fair amount of allophones across the dialects.

17. Arians noted that the officials were letting the Saints get away with a fair amount of trash talk last week

18. A fair amount of rough means accuracy off the tee is as important as the ability to keep it low.

19. 6 By happenstance, and a fair amount of reaching out by Lindsey, we started playing together and it was great.

20. For instance, I find I am equipped with a fair amount of value-free information, or general knowledge, if you prefer.

21. Garnish with a dollop of sour cream. 80 Many sausage mixtures are heavy and usually contain a fair amount of fat.

22. After some further outside tests and a fair amount of soul-searching, I eventually bought this detector and the 5in accessory coil.

23. 14 Garnish with a dollop of sour cream. 80 Many sausage mixtures are heavy and usually contain a fair amount of fat.

24. Digital Betacam attracted a fair amount of professional support but didn't go as far as to become an industry standard like it's predecessor.

25. On very large spreads, a cowpoke may spend a fair amount of time away from the ranch, camping in the field with other Cowpokes…

26. 10 Technorati catches a fair amount of flack these days, but it is still a pretty good tool for picking up on buzz in the blogosphere.

27. So, there is a fair amount of detailing still to be done in this process before you actually come to the stage of placing a commercial order and shipping it.

28. Says Eric (with a fair amount of feigned Affrontery) about that prospect, "I'm not about to tell you what happens! Why would anyone do that? I wouldn't want to know what happens!"

29. A Man Is as Old as His I am calling this vlog "Cardiologists Are Ageists." I have been thinking a fair amount about age -- and how cardiologists think about age -- and prepared for this by

30. Our J bar D Bedrolls fit nicely on the bed of a pickup, in the horse trailer and will take up a fair amount of your trunk space, unless of course you strap the bedroll to the

31. Blacklisted short links (URLs) and how to combat receiving blacklist status, especially when sending out emails or sharing on social networks, is a problem which has created a fair amount of confusion and frustration for web-based businesses.

32. Mammals Don't Generate Blastemas, Even When Regenerating Fingertips Permalink No Comments Yet Add a Comment Posted by Reason Researchers are spending a fair amount of time on understanding why regeneration in mammals differs from - and is much worse than - …

33. ‘The clever Asides that create a covert intimacy with the audience were too quick for the vocal transitions, if any, to register.’ ‘There is a fair amount of ludicrous drag, broad farce, heart-rending, bosom-heaving dramatics and pithy Asides to an appreciative audience.’

34. Example sentence(s): You get a fair amount of bang for your kung fu buck: decent Fu-fights, the classic scenes of the Chopsocky genre, wherein, inevitably, large crowds of Hawaiian shirt-clad men run into either a brothel or a restaurant and proceed to gesticulate

35. The size and shape of the head, its malformations and Asymmetry, may be measured with a fair amount of success. THE CRIMINAL & THE COMMUNITY JAMES DEVON The southern slopes are snow-clad, the northern are snow-free—in harmony with the line of Asymmetry. THE ANDES OF SOUTHERN PERU ISAIAH BOWMAN

36. "You can acquire a fair amount of definition doing Crunches, but there's a limit to how far they'll take you," says Los Angeles-based personal trainer and yoga instructor David Knox, author of Body School: A New Guide to Movement in Daily Life_._ "The hips and legs don't move during Crunches, so you don't really get the …

37. ‘It was a Belter and only a splendid save from Zbigniew Malkowski kept the match at stalemate.’ ‘There are only six minutes gone and this match is shaping up to be a Belter.’ ‘The condition of the pitch has definitely undergone a change with the groundsmen pouring a fair amount of water on it to lessen the advantage for the Indian

38. We'll need a fair amount of ore: For instance, for a White Blocktard Sword, we'll need 5 White Blokium, than combine the Blokium until we get a lump of 5 Ores; Than, we make it into a bar with a Flaming PortaForge (Whichis made by combining wood with a PortaForge), than combining the bar with a mould, than combining the unfinished sword with a hammer, ending the process, and leaving you with a fairly powerful Blocktard …