fags in English

a tiring or unwelcome task.
it's too much of a fag to drive all the way there and back again
a male homosexual.
work hard, especially at a tedious job or task.
he didn't have to fag away in a lab to get the right answer

Use "fags" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "fags" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "fags", or refer to the context using the word "fags" in the English Dictionary.

1. Not just fags.

2. Standing on your feet all day really fags you out.

3. 1A life of booze, fags and slothfulness may be enough to earn your doctor's disapproval, but there is one last hope: a repeat prescription of mates and good conversation.

4. It is not booze, fags or flab that many people fantasise about giving up this new year. One in four working people in Britain want to celebrate 2005 by quitting their jobs.

5. ‘The idea of getting Bladdered didn't appeal very much.’ ‘That week was my birthday and, even though I had a wee cold, I got utterly Bladdered and smoked far too many cheap fags.’ ‘It was weird being the only sober one amongst the completely Bladdered players.’

6. Bondie - a term used to descibe someone who turns up at partys and steals peoples fags and drink, annoys the hell out of you and your guests and only leaves when someone has had enough of them and snaps, think you best leave like now mate, go on do one