expense account in English

an arrangement under which sums of money spent in the course of business by an employee are later reimbursed by their employer.
It's generally not worth it unless you are a time-pressed business traveler on an expense account .

Use "expense account" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "expense account" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "expense account", or refer to the context using the word "expense account" in the English Dictionary.

1. Probably comes off of his expense account

2. We charge off the car on my expense account.

3. He took no salary and had no personal expense account.

4. Before the clothes and the expense account, and scrambling to make partner.

5. 1 He put Elizabeth's motel bill and airfare on his expense account.

6. You also get a nice little expense account, use of the executive washroom...

7. i--i cleaned up your expense account folder and categorized expenditures by bank card.

8. The journal entry of Accrued salaries will increase both the expense account and the liability account

9. Previously he had “padded” his expense account, putting down things that were not direct business expenses.

10. I forgot to mention, a company car is included as well as a generous expense account

11. As the company pays wages it increases the 'Wage Expense' account and decreases the 'Cash' account.

12. Because of my trustworthiness, he granted me free vegetables for my family’s use and a personal expense account.

13. You are giving this unfeeling corporation so much, why not grab what you can in expense-account-paid perks?

14. He was earning over $25,000 a year, besides which he had an expense account and use of a company car.

15. The expense - account culture may be curbed only after strict limits are put on reimbursements , thus making compliance irrespective of policing .

16. Abraham Aamidor, a Taylor biographer, also points out that Taylor was not sparing in his use of the Converse expense account.

17. He also Anted up hundreds of dollars of the Pioneer Press' own money to get a first-hand view of the games -- wagering by expense account