execute a will in English

distribute an inheritance according to the terms described in a will

Use "execute a will" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "execute a will" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "execute a will", or refer to the context using the word "execute a will" in the English Dictionary.

1. Any commands you type will execute immediately.

2. Brock's attorney has yet to execute the will.

3. He asked his nephew to execute his will.

4. 16 Will Jehovah execute judgment on warmongering nations?

5. 15 In anger and wrath I will execute vengeance

6. War fighters execute the will of faceless power, the unknown.

7. The AEC will execute the AEP at Area or equivalent level.

8. I swear I will faithfully execute my office and my motherland.

9. Execute commAnd1 And then execute commAnd2 (And)

10. It will further offer a platform for businesses in both countries to execute profitable ventures.

11. Learn flawlessly execute a trading system.

12. We will not be able to execute the programs without more funding.

13. Now Jehovah himself will rally this unnamed “great nation” to execute his judgment.

14. If a line matches the pattern, Awk will then execute the script defined in action on that line.

15. What will happen when the time is ripe for Jehovah to execute his judgment?

16. 16 Execute a fire drill and report.

17. Permission to execute?

18. Execute station activation procedure.

19. Deliberate slowly, execute promptly.

20. Or, in other instances, being Abeam a fix will provide the pilot with a reference point to execute certain maneuvers

21. Aligning the distance marker at the top to the meter will execute maximum kicking distance.

22. Execute bin\Buildout.exe script

23. Execute a typical activity scenario on the motion sensor.

24. 15 Execute a fire drill before departure and report.

25. Learn Condemn, replacing Execute