evergreens in English

a plant that retains green leaves throughout the year.
evergreens planted to cut off the east wind

Use "evergreens" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "evergreens" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "evergreens", or refer to the context using the word "evergreens" in the English Dictionary.

1. Planting and Caring for Columnar Evergreens

2. 21 The pine, cedar and spruce are evergreens.

3. Most Conifers are evergreens, keeping their needles year round

4. The leaves of evergreens are often shaped like needles.

5. Carambola trees are small, bushy evergreens with drooping branches

6. • Broad leaved evergreens –Spring to late fall • Narrow‐leaved evergreens –Late fall to late winter Storage of Cutting Material • Collect cuttings early in the day

7. Broadleaved evergreens, attractive in all seasons, have great potential as landscaping plants

8. Most Conifers are evergreens, or trees that keep their leaves year-round

9. Citrus shrubs are wonderfully fragrant evergreens, but quite impossible outdoors without protection.

10. Although Bagworms prefer evergreens, all trees (both evergreen and deciduous) must be fully inspected.


12. How to Kill Bagworms on Evergreens: Arborvitae, Сedar, Pine Trees Bagworm Insecticides & Sprays

13. It is this fact regarding reproduction that points us to the difference between evergreens and Conifers.

14. Blue Sky Ranch sits aside the echoing Skykomish River amongst soaring mountain tops and lush evergreens

15. They had three children and resided at the Evergreens, which stood adjacent to the Dickinson Homestead.

16. Fertilizers for broad-leaved evergreens contain iron that Acidifies the soil and thus may work

17. Winter Walk threads evergreens, and Springtime Path shows off the wildflowers blooming in that season.

18. After you’ve determined your growing zone, keep sunlight and watering needs in mind for your Columnar Evergreens

19. Conifer Kingdom offers a large selection of Dwarf Conifers & Evergreens in different colors, forms, and growth rates

20. While deciduous Azaleas primarily produce single-flowered blossoms, evergreens bloom with single or double-flowered blossoms.

21. All the eye can see are evergreens, a placid body of water and the occasional loon.

22. Forests, covering 90% of the island, consist of broad-leafed evergreens, conifers, and deciduous trees including cypress.

23. Camellia Among the most glamorous shrubs, Camellias are upright or spreading, glossy-leaved evergreens, with white, pink or red flowers

24. Emerald Green Arborvitae trees are glossy-green evergreens that can do it all with little to no supervision

25. This is the familiar Bagworm well-known as a pernicious pest on evergreens and many other trees and shrubs in eastern North America

26. There are many more exciting Broadleaved evergreens to see, such as the rhododendron look-alike, Daphniphyllum macropodum or our trusty American holly, Ilex opaca

27. Other auxiliary items often found near the butsudan include tea, water and food (usually fruits or rice), an incense burner, candles, flowers, hanging lamps and evergreens.

28. On Hongdo, meaning "Red Island" due to the red coloring found on many of the rocky outcroppings, there are about 270 varieties of evergreens and 170 species of animals.

29. These broad-leaved evergreens have fissured bark, stout branches, and pale green, glossy leaves that smell of Camphor when crushed (Camphor oil comes from distilled wood chips).

30. Though this shrub is commonly called “Anise,” true Anise is a perennial herb while so-called Anise shrubs are woody evergreens, growing 10 to 15 feet in height and width.

31. Instead, I flew back to Oregon, and as I watched the evergreens and rain come back into view, I just drank many tiny bottles of airplane "feel sorry for yourself."

32. Although precipitation is not a limiting factor, the ground freezes during the winter months and plant roots are unable to absorb water, so desiccation can be a severe problem in late winter for evergreens.

33. Even though they are evergreens, the Carrotwoods that I have now do have periods when many leaves are dropped, and that isn't a problem all by itself and it is something I could very easily live with

34. (noun) Of deciduous trees the sycamore, wych-elm, horse-chestnut, beech, lime, plane and poplar may be used, - the Abele or white poplar, Populus alba, being one of the most rapidgrowing of all trees, and, like other poplars, well suited for nursing other choicer subjects; while of evergreens, the holm oak, holly, laurel (both common and Portugal), and such