euclidean in English

of or relating to Euclid, in particular.

Use "euclidean" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "euclidean" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "euclidean", or refer to the context using the word "euclidean" in the English Dictionary.

1. Yes, Euclidean triangle inequality

2. The surface of a balloon is not an Euclidean space, and therefore does not follow the rules of Euclidean geometry.

3. Hexagon Chess Under non-Euclidean Space.

4. Basic example: Euclidean algorithm for finding the Greatest Common Divisor

5. Her research concerns function algebras, polynomial convexity, and Tarski's axioms for Euclidean geometry.

6. It's a bit like this: imagine that we'd only ever encountered Euclidean space.

7. In this sense, Affine is a generalization of Cartesian or Euclidean

8. He wrote textbooks on projectiven, analytic, descriptive, and non-Euclidean geometry.

9. Philosophy of Constructions Constructions using compass and straightedge have a long history in Euclidean geometry

10. affine geometry - elementary geometry, Euclidean geometry, parabolic geometry - fractal geometry - non-Euclidean geometry - spherical geometry - analytical geometry, analytic geometry, coordinate geometry - plane geometry - solid geometry - descriptive geometry, projective geometry [Spéc.

11. Euclid's Elements contained five postulates that form the basis for Euclidean geometry.

12. He was known for his books on non-Euclidean geometry and Algebraic topology.

13. The Euclidean algorithm for computing the greatest common divisor of two integers is one example.

14. Before hyperbolic geometry, mathematicians knew about two kinds of space: Euclidean space, and spherical space.

15. Families of convex uniform Euclidean tessellations are defined by the affine Coxeter groups.

16. They demonstrated that ordinary Euclidean space is only one possibility for development of geometry.

17. This discovery forced the abandonment of the pretensions to the absolute truth of Euclidean geometry.

18. In Euclidean geometry, its definition encompasses all four concepts (i.e., parallelepiped, parallelogram, cube, and square).

19. 29 This method include 3 D Euclidean distance transform, computer the Hessian matrix in every voxel, and visibility test.

20. According to Albert Einstein's theory of general relativity, space around gravitational fields deviates from Euclidean space.

21. Cube, in Euclidean geometry, a regular solid with six square faces; that is, a regular hexahedron

22. The word Configuration is sometimes used to describe a finite collection of points,, where is a Euclidean space

23. I encountered the word "Adjoined" in Baby Rudin, Chapter 2 concerning basic topology on Euclidean space

24. 8 But a postulate in a Euclidean system must be accepted in order to maintain the integrity of the whole.

25. How do definitions of Conics in Euclidean and projective geometry differ? There are many definitions for Conics

26. The discovery of hyperbolic space ushered in the field of mathematics that is called non-Euclidean geometry.

27. In the closing decades of the 19th century, the Euclidean algorithm gradually became eclipsed by Dedekind's more general theory of ideals.

28. In the philosophy of science, Conventionalism is the doctrine often traced to Poincaré ; that apparently real scientific differences, such as that between describing space in terms of a Euclidean and a non-Euclidean geometry, in fact register the acceptance of a different system of …

29. Affine connections may also be used to define (affine) geodesics on a manifold, generalizing the straight lines of Euclidean space, although the geometry of those straight lines can be very different from usual Euclidean geometry; the main differences are encapsulated in the curvature of the connection.

30. A polyhedron has been defined as a set of points in real affine (or Euclidean) space of any dimension n that has flat sides.

31. Near to any point, S can be approximated by its tangent plane at that point, which is an affine subspace of Euclidean space.

32. The Euclidean distance spectra of a few multidimensional coded modulation schemes based on square/cross constituent two-dimensional constellations are presented.

33. In the philosophy of science, Conventionalism is the doctrine often traced to Poincaré that apparently real scientific differences, such as that between describing space in terms of a Euclidean and a non-Euclidean geometry, in fact register the acceptance of a different system of conventions for describing space.

34. 29 Euclidean geometry is not only the leader of the civilization of ancient Greek but also the brilliant achievements of axiomatic approach in mathematics.

35. 19 So, they try to prove axiom and also established similarly two new opposite field: non-Cantor's set theory and non-Euclidean geometries.

36. Algorithm definition, a set of rules for solving a problem in a finite number of steps, as the Euclidean Algorithm for finding the greatest common divisor

37. The supersymmetry algebra in four-dimensional Euclidean space is formulated in such a way that an SU(2) invariance of the algebra is apparent.

38. Compactness, in mathematics, property of some topological spaces (a generalization of Euclidean space) that has its main use in the study of functions defined on such spaces

39. In the 19th and 20th centuries mathematicians began to examine geometries that are non-Euclidean, in which space is conceived as curved, rather than flat.

40. Gaussian Curvature is an intrinsic measure of Curvature, depending only on distances that are measured on the surface, not on the way it is isometrically embedded in Euclidean space

41. Anne's theorem, named after the French mathematician Pierre-Leon Anne (1806–1850), is a statement from Euclidean geometry, which describes an equality of certain areas within a convex quadrilateral.

42. In general, in the three-dimensional Euclidean space, a single linear Cartesian equation represents a plane, whereas an algebraic surface of order is given by a polynomial

43. On the other hand, there are surfaces, such as the Klein bottle, that cannot be embedded in three-dimensional Euclidean space without introducing singularities or self-intersections.

44. For the surface case, this can be reduced to a number (scalar), positive, negative, or zero; the non-zero and constant cases being models of the known non-Euclidean geometries.

45. In geometry, a subset of a Euclidean space, or more generally an affine space over the reals, is Convex if, given any two points, it contains the whole line segment that joins them

46. Also the three-dimensionality of space, Euclidean geometry, and the existence of absolute simultaneity were claimed to be necessary for the understanding of the world; none of them can possibly be altered by empirical findings.

47. Barycentric coordinate system definition, a system of coordinates for an n-dimensional Euclidean space in which each point is represented by n constants whose sum is 1 and whose product with a given set of linearly independent points equals the point

48. Problem: In class we discussed that if two points P, Q on s are not Antipodal, then there is a unique line PQ on sa (a) Explain the role of this statement in terms of Euclidean and Neutral geometry

49. In Euclidean geometry, a Cyclic quadrilateral or inscribed quadrilateral is a quadrilateral whose vertices all lie on a single circle.This circle is called the circumcircle or circumscribed circle, and the vertices are said to be conCyclic.The center of the circle and its radius are called the circumcenter and the circumradius respectively

50. Euclid described a line as "Breadthless length" which "lies equally with respect to the points on itself"; he introduced several postulates as basic unprovable properties from which he constructed all of geometry, which is now called Euclidean geometry to avoid confusion with other geometries which have been introduced since the end of the 19th