erectus in English


(Latin) upright

Use "erectus" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "erectus" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "erectus", or refer to the context using the word "erectus" in the English Dictionary.

1. Australoid skull Erectus skull Australoid has none of the features of Erectus

2. Australoid is short faced, Erectus tall

3. Acheulean tools are typically found with Homo erectus remains

4. Suddenly humans show up, Homo erectus, big old melon head.

5. Australoid has rectangular orbits like Negro or Cro Magnon, Erectus is rounded

6. Is the Protruding Nasal Saddle of the Nanjing Homo erectus Caused by Adaptation to Cold Climate?

7. Chinese Homo erectus fossil, which is usually called a Peking ape-man or Chinese ape-man .

8. Is the Protruding Nasal Saddle of the Nanjing Homo erectus by Adaptation to Cold Climate?

9. Acheulean industry, Acheulean also spelled Acheulian, first standardized tradition of toolmaking of Homo erectus and early Homo sapiens

10. Large Homo Erectus Acheulean Bifacial Hand Axe North Africa Lower Paleolithic Minimum 1,200,000 to 500,000 years old AncientEvenings

11. Its supratoral sulcus morphology and the presence of protuberance as suggested by Philip Rightmire "give the Nudutu occiput an appearance which is also unlike that of Homo erectus", but Stinger (1986) pointed out that a thickened iliac pillar is typical for Homo erectus.

12. There is also dispute concerning many overlapping species, for example, the overlap between Homo habilis and Homo erectus .

13. Chinese Homo erectus fossil, which is usually call a Lantian ape-man , discovered in Gongwang Mountain, Shanxi province in 19

14. I could relate to this Homo erectus skeleton very well, because I was the same age that he was when he died.

15. If you look at our ancestors, the Neanderthals and the Homo erectus, our immediate ancestors, they're confined to small regions of the world.

16. The first great constribution of the study of Chinese human fossils to paleoanthropology has been fulfilled by the Homo erectus fossils from Zhoukoudian(then Sinanthropus pekinaensis).

17. Acheulean stone tools are much later artifacts that were used by Homo erectus [upright humans] to butcher animals, break bones, cut plants and scrape hides

18. Until now, fossils dated to 9million years ago - and mostly attributed to Homo habilis and Homo rudolfensis - have been undisputed considered ancestral to Homo erectus.

19. The new data—a maximum of 46,000 years before the present (YBP) with a probable date of 27,000 YBP—strongly suggests that Homo erectus Coexisted with anatomi

20. Archeological finds in the Olduvai Gorge include stone tools, and skeletal remains of Homo Habilis and Homo Erectus, as well as bones of, now extinct, wild animals.

21. The well-preserved fossils resemble Homo erectus, a species from the genus Homo that first appeared in Africa some two million years ago and quickly spread throughout Europe and much of Asia.

22. Your own history books will tell you about many of the other cycles, the smaller cycles from the apes into Homo erectus, Homo sapiens and Cro- Magnon man, but it is so much more than that.

23. Chopper Chopping-tool industry, certain stone tool traditions of Asia, probably of later Pleistocene age, characterized by roughly worked pebble chopper (q.v.) tools.These traditions include the Choukoutienian industry of China (associated with Homo erectus), the Patjitanian industry of Java, the Soan industry of India, and the Anyathian industry of Myanmar (Burma).

24. Acheulean (/ ə ˈ ʃ uː l i ə n /; also Acheulian and Mode II), from the French acheuléen after the type site of Saint-Acheul, is an archaeological industry of stone tool manufacture characterized by distinctive oval and pear-shaped "hand-axes" associated with Homo erectus and derived species such as Homo heidelbergensis.

25. Acheulean (; also Acheulian), from the French acheuléen, is an archaeological industry of stone tool manufacture characterized by distinctive oval and pear-shaped "hand-axes" associated with early humans.Acheulean tools were produced during the Lower Palaeolithic era across Africa and much of West Asia, South Asia, and Europe, and are typically found with Homo erectus remains.

26. Acheulean (/ ə ˈ ʃ uː l i ə n /; also Acheulian), from the French acheuléen, is an archaeological industry of stone tool manufacture characterized by distinctive oval and pear-shaped "hand-axes" associated with early humans.Acheulean tools were produced during the Lower Palaeolithic era across Africa and much of West Asia, South Asia, and Europe, and are typically found with Homo erectus

27. Apart from ewe’s milk, the feed ration, i.e. nutritional intake of Lika Curly lambs grazing on Lika’s meadows and pastures, is composed of the following plant species: Bromus erectus (erect brome), Scorzonera villosa, Chrysopogon gryllus (scented grass), Festuca pseudovina (hard fescue), Dichantium ischaemum (yellow bluestem), Satureo edraianthetum, Filipendula hexapetala (dropwort), Lotus corniculatus (common bird’s-foot trefoil), Leontodon hispidus (rough hawkbit), Sanguisorba muricata (small burnet), Eryngium amethystinum (amethyst eryngo), Sesleria tenuifolia, Trinia carniolica, Gentiana symphyandra (great yellow gentian) and Genista holopetala (broom).