enshrines in English

place (a revered or precious object) in an appropriate receptacle.
relics are enshrined under altars

Use "enshrines" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "enshrines" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "enshrines", or refer to the context using the word "enshrines" in the English Dictionary.

1. The constitution enshrines the basic rights of all citizens.

2. Synonyms for Canonizes include glorifies, deifies, enshrines, acclaims, aggrandizes, apotheosizes, dignifies, elevates, ennobles and enskies

3. The French Republican model enshrines the laudable abstract principles of liberty, equality, and fraternity.

4. Well-behaved high-caste Hindus do not touch the stuff, and the constitution enshrines prohibition as a public goal.

5. Alabastra is the plural of Alabastron which is par excellence the container that, in the Mediterranean since the antiquity, enshrines liquids and precious fragrances

6. In the case of the United States, the Constitution itself enshrines the institution of slavery, and therefore falls under this condemnation.

7. Ark, also called Ark Of The Law, Hebrew Aron, orAron Ha-qodesh, (“holy Ark”), in Jewish synagogues, an ornate cabinet that enshrines the sacred Torah scrolls used for public worship

8. However, Article 4 enshrines the role of the Communist Party as "the leading force in the State and society", giving the general secretary authority on the overall direction of policy.

9. As a structure that enshrines a god or some other object of veneration , circumambulation ( pradakshina ) , adoration and worship ( puja ) , it has had a varied growth in different parts of the subcontinent .

10. It’s not surprising that France, the nation that enshrines conversational grandiloquence as a civic virtue right up there with fraternité, would take to the most Blabbermouthed genre in music