enharmonic in English

of or relating to notes that are the same in pitch (in modern tuning) though bearing different names (e.g., F sharp and G flat or B and C flat).
Some 16th-century composers evidently favoured the enharmonic advantages of the system.

Use "enharmonic" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "enharmonic" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "enharmonic", or refer to the context using the word "enharmonic" in the English Dictionary.

1. Changing the pitch of an existing enharmonically flipped note no longer erroneously flips the enharmonic of the changed pitch.

2. When the process of raising by a fifth (adding a sharp) produces more than five or six sharps, successive such raising generally involves changing to the enharmonic equivalent key using a flat-based signature.

3. Music Mechanics, the Music Theory Series… In Music Mechanics 7 we’ll cover the grand staff, the brace, 8va, 8vb, 15ma, 15mb, Accidentals, an introduction to half steps, flats, sharps, naturals, double flats, double sharps, the rules for Accidentals, courtesy Accidentals, enharmonic equivalents, and pitch-class

4. In order to reinforce the vertigo that soon seizes the reader, he adds: “poco a poco accelerando al fine,” and in the very middle, alludes to “an enharmonic change.” In the same text, the conditional if (si in French) becomes obsessive alliteration: did it inspire — with the contamination of Wozzeck — the si — the note now [in French, si is both the conjunction ‘if’ and the note B natural] — around which Dhomont has organized his work?