enforces in English

compel observance of or compliance with (a law, rule, or obligation).
Damages were being sought for compensation as a result of the council's negligent advice and not primarily to enforce a public law right.

Use "enforces" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "enforces" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "enforces", or refer to the context using the word "enforces" in the English Dictionary.

1. Clustered Index enforces a logical order on the rows

2. Westland Airtime is the one that enforces this rule

3. The file system preserves and enforces access control lists ( ACL ).

4. The law of opportunity enforces its continuance and availability.

5. Google Ad Manager enforces the following limits to ensure system stability:

6. And so there's nothing in the software that enforces the rules.

7. Babywearing helps create a strong maternal bond, which in turn enforces correct child development

8. The United States enforces one of the most robust Anticorruption frameworks in the world

9. As a courtesy to other developers, the Reply to Reviews API enforces several quotas.

10. And it is CBSA that enforces the detention, removal, investigation, and intelligence and immigration control functions.

11. The legislative branch enacts laws ; the executive branch enforces them , and the judicial branch interprets them.

12. G backers note the Ethics Commission already enforces campaign finance and lobbyist disclosure laws.

13. Who actually enforces the provisions for APIs and the efficiency of this enforcement is unclear.

14. 10 First,[www.Sentencedict.com] the Universe appears perfectly symmetrical in the ways it enforces its laws.

15. The United States enforces one of the most robust Anticorruption frameworks in the world

16. ESRB independently applies and enforces ratings, advertising guidelines, and online privacy principles adopted by the industry.

17. 10 The legislative branch enacts laws ; the executive branch enforces them , and the judicial branch interprets them.

18. In that capacity, the Agency enforces prohibitions, manages licensing and helps regulate acceptable controlled activities in Canada.

19. “Confiscation all comes down to this: the government makes the rules, changes the rules, and enforces the rules

20. Overall, the system pertaining to the advertising-codeenforcement models sufficiently enforces the code according to the experts’ views.

21. The Authoress also enforces her own sense of woman’s honor by punishing the disloyal and debauched slavewomen

22. The Alcoholic Beverage Control Board develops and enforces reasonable administrative regulations relative to the sale and use of alcoholic Beverages

23. Antitruster: Noun an·ti·trust·er One who advocates or enforces antitrust provisions of the law

24. As of 2014 the disputed territory of Crimea is under Russian control and Russia enforces its visa policy there.

25. One is the accelerating rate of development in technological fields, which enforces almost continuous changes in products and processes.

26. When you choose this option Accelerator adds the "Send Immediately" checkbox to the accelerator menu which enforces immediate send in urgent cases.

27. Data abstraction enforces a clear separation between the abstract properties of a data type and the concrete details of its implementation.

28. Alba enforces strict environmental guidelines, maintains a high track record for safety, and is widely regarded as one of the top performers on a global scale.

29. The Boiler Inspection Program enforces nationally adopted standards governing the installation, operation, maintenance and repair of Boilers and some pressure vessels in commercial and public buildings

30. 2: The National Service (Armed Forces) Act 1939 is enacted immediately and enforces full conscription on all males between 18 and 41 resident in the UK.

31. Like the federal government, Québec treats individuals as tax units and enforces "progressive taxation," a system under which taxpayers with a greater ability to pay are more heavily taxed.

32. A Baseline enforces a setting only if it mitigates a contemporary security threat and does not cause operational issues that are worse than the risks they mitigate

33. A Baseline enforces a default only if it is otherwise likely to be set to an insecure state by an authorized user: If a non-administrator can set an insecure state, enforce the default.

34. The Camarilla is a sect of the Kindred that enforces the Traditions, particularly that of the Masquerade.The ongoing conflict between the Camarilla and the Sabbat is the primary front of the Jyhad in the modern nights

35. Type Asserter: A tool to type This package enforces the functions' type hints at runtime, making sure that the types of the actual parameters and the return value match the types specified in the function signature.

36. The Bucolically named Sanctuary Park Alien Relocation Camp continues in the fine tradition of such South African euphemisms as the Representation of Natives Act (1936; further reduces black suffrage, thereby not letting them be represented) or the Bantu Education Act (1953; enforces separate and unequal instruction, rather than promoting education).