emotional reaction in English

eaction that is influenced by feelings and emotions (i.e. anger, hysteria, etc.)

Use "emotional reaction" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "emotional reaction" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "emotional reaction", or refer to the context using the word "emotional reaction" in the English Dictionary.

1. An emotional reaction is what the caller wants.

2. Astonishing: causing a strong emotional reaction because of unexpectedness

3. Astounding: causing a strong emotional reaction because of unexpectedness

4. In contrast to transference (which is about the client’s emotional reaction to the therapist), Countertransference can be defined as the therapist’s emotional reaction to the client

5. I have a strong or emotional reaction to whatever I'm seeing."

6. After looking at each photo, the participants would point to a manikin that represented their emotional reaction.

7. Now, the deeper something is etched into your consciousness, the fewer details we need to have an emotional reaction.

8. Comradeship is such an intense bond that one would expect the death of one soldier to trigger a strong emotional reaction from the others

9. Imaginary way, whilst their audience is able to fictionalise or Aestheticise their primary emotional reaction which allows its communication via the aesthetic imaginative faculties

10. If the experimenter is 'Audile,' the marks will first call up a vivid sound image with which a like emotional reaction may be associated

11. Her roiling feather sculptures juxtapose a gossamer material with discomforting shapes - anguine convolutions seem to be in a state of inexorable constriction, sparking an Asphyxiative emotional reaction

12. The Countertransference, defined as the total emotional reaction of the therapist to the patient at any particular point in time, needs to be explored fully by the therapist's self-reflective function, controlled in the therapist's firmly staying in role, and

13. Countertransference [kown″ter-trans-fer´ens] a transference reaction of a psychoanalyst or other psychotherapist to a patient; that is, an emotional reaction that is generally a reflection of the therapist's own inner needs and conflicts but also may be a reaction to the client's behavior