elgin marbles in English

a collection of classical Greek marble sculptures and architectural fragments, chiefly from the Parthenon in Athens, brought to England by the diplomat and art connoisseur Thomas Bruce (1766–1841), the 7th Earl of Elgin.

Use "elgin marbles" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "elgin marbles" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "elgin marbles", or refer to the context using the word "elgin marbles" in the English Dictionary.

1. The British helped themselves to the Elgin Marbles, taken from the Acropolis.

2. Never mind that Prime Ministers do not actually own the Elgin marbles.

3. The Elgin Marbles receive their name from the British lord who craftily spirited them away from Greece.

4. I think he rather gloried in the Contumely, but fifty years earlier he might have been visited by a "lettre de cachet," instead of a knighthood; for we can not forget how, in Eighteen Hundred Fifteen, Parliament refused to pay for the Elgin Marbles because, as Lord Falmouth put it, "These relics will tend to prostitute England to the depth of unbelief that engulfed Pagan Greece.