ecsc in English

ecsc (European Coal & Steel Community)

economic union providing for the pooling of coal iron and steel production in the countries of Western Europe

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Below are sample sentences containing the word "ecsc" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "ecsc", or refer to the context using the word "ecsc" in the English Dictionary.

1. In addition, the special depreciation allowances for ECSC production and non-ECSC production can be clearly differentiated.

2. Hoop and strip: // // a) Not further worked than hot-rolled (ECSC) // // c) Clad, coated or otherwise surface-treated: // // 1. Not further worked than clad: // // aa) Hot-rolled (ECSC) // // VII.

3. The other buildings, which are owned solely by the ECSC, are let to the Commission; the rent paid provides a return on the funds invested by the ECSC and amortizes the debt.

4. (ECSC Treaty, Art. 65(1); Act of Accession of Spain, Art. 379)

5. The ECSC has abandoned its share of the value, namely 1,68 Mio ECU.

6. Commission Notice concerning alignment of procedures for processing mergers under the ECSC and EC Treaties

7. Treasury investments take account of the maturity dates and liquidity requirements applicable to ECSC financial operations.

8. The rent paid provides a return on the funds invested by the ECSC and amortizes the debt.

9. ACB manufactures special steel products listed in Annex I to the ECSC Treaty under Code No 4400.

10. 83/145/EEC, Euratom, ECSC: Commission Decision of 11 March 1983 concerning the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg pursuant to Article 13 (2) of Regulation (EEC, Euratom, ECSC) No 2892/77 concerning own resources accruing from value added tax (Only the French text is authentic)


12. ( b ) The ECSC follows the accrual method of accounting with respect to the collection of levies , interest and other revenues and expenses .

13. Whereas rates of abatement in respect of certain products were fixed for the fourth quarter of 1987 by Commission Decision No 2819/87/ECSC (2);

14. Commission Decision No 656/78/ECSC of 1 April 1978 adjusting the minimum prices for hot-rolled wide strips, merchant bars and concrete reinforcing bars

15. This item , which amounts to 78 209 905 * 41 EUA , represents ECSC obligations that have been repurchased on various markets ; these obligations are amortizable within three years .

16. ASSENT No 39/81 given by the Council pursuant to Article 56 (2) (a) of the ECSC Treaty to enable the Commission to grant the following conversion loan, which is designed to ensure the reabsorption of redundant ECSC workers into productive employment: FF 20 million (± 3. 34 million ECU), to the Société des Aciers Fins, France, for a project in Lorraine

17. 78/731/ECSC: Commission Decision of 20 July 1978 authorizing specialization agreements concerning stainless steel flats, squares, round bars and sections between Creusot-Loire SA and Ugine Aciers SA (Only the French text is authentic)

18. 88 The applicant seeks compensation for loss resulting from the wrongful conduct of the defendant (Joined Cases 7/56 and 3/57 to 7/57 Algera and others v Common Assembly of the ECSC [1957] ECR p.

19. (30) As Walkers' production of aluminized sheet is small and as BS does not make this product, the concentration of BS's and Walkers' ECSC production operations will not change the competitive position for this product.

20. In accordance with the plan for the modernisation, rationalisation and restructuring of and reduction of activity approved by the Commission in its Decision 2001/361/ECSC, the Friedrich Heinrich/Rheinland and Niederberg mines will be amalgamated in 2002.

21. (i) reserves needed to provide an assurance to the creditors of the ECSC that all of its outstanding borrowings and the interest thereon will be paid in full on their due date, thus enabling the obligor to maintain its "AAA" rating;

22. Whereas Article 9 (1) of Decision No 234/84/ECSC provides that such rates of abatement may be modified, not later than the first week of the second month of the quarter in question, in the light of the development of the market situation;

23. Whereas Article 8 (1) of Decision No 3485/85/ECSC provides that such rates of abatement may be modified, not later than the first week of the second month of the quarter in question, in the light of the development of the market situation;

24. Some establish own resources and make them available to the Community while others, taking a more liberal interpretation of Article 17 of Council Regulation (EEC, Euratom, ECSC) No 2891/77 (1), regard such cases as constituting force majeure, absolving them from making an establishment.

25. (a) reserves needed to provide an assurance to the creditors of the ECSC that all of its outstanding borrowings and the interest thereon will be paid in full on their due date, thus enabling the obligor to maintain its "AAA" rating or its equivalent;

26. (21) The aid is intended to cover operating losses linked to production capacities closed down in the amalgamation of the Friedrich Heinrich/Rheinland and Niederberg mines and the operating losses of production units to be closed down after 2002 in accordance with Decision 2001/361/ECSC.

27. Judgment of the Court of First Instance (Second Chamber, extended composition) of 11 March 1999. - Unimétal - Société française des aciers longs SA v Commission of the European Communities. - ECSC Treaty - Competition - Agreements between undertakings, decisions by associations of undertakings and concerted practices - Price-fixing - Market sharing - Systems for the exchange of information. - Case T-145/94.

28. The Committee was taken aback to note the assertion in the Commission proposal concerning coal aid that "measures have been taken" with regard to the social dialogue in the framework of the ECSC Consultative Committee "to enable this dialogue to continue as effectively as possible in the framework of the EC Treaty after 23 July 2002" (Annex 4, Section 3).

29. Whereas, by Decision No 44/59 (1), as last amended by Decision 82/146/ECSC (2), the Commission authorized the joint selling of fuels from Houillères du Bassin de Lorraine and Saarbergwerke AG by the Saar-Lothringische Kohlenunion, deutsch-franzoesische Gesellschaft auf Aktien/Union charbonnière sarro-lorraine, société par actions franco-allemande (Saarlor), of Saarbruecken and Strasbourg;

30. Whereas by Decision No 44-59 of 4 November 1959 (1), as last amended by Decision 79/983/ECSC (2), the Commission authorized the joint selling of fuels from Houillères du Bassin de Lorraine and Saarbergwerke AG by the Saar-Lothringische Kohlenunion, deutsch-franzoesische Gesellschaft auf Aktion/Union charbonnière sarro-lorraine, société par actions franco-allemande (Saarlor), of Saarbruecken und Strasbourg;

31. The undertakings Acerinox SA, ALZ NV, British Steel plc, Krupp Stahl AG, Terni Acciai Speciali SpA, Thyssen Edelstahlwerke Ag, Ugine Aciers de Châtillon et Gueugnon, Outokumpu OY and Avesta AB have, during the years 1986, 1987 and 1988 ( January to April ), infringed Article 65 ( 1 ) of the ECSC Treaty by entering into the Agreement dated 15 April 1986 concerning quotas and prices which prevented, restricted and distorted normal competition in the common market by controlling production and by sharing markets and customers .

32. The undertakings Acerinox SA, ALZ NV, British Steel plc, Krupp Stahl AG, Terni Acciai Speciali SpA, Thyssen Edelstahlwerke Ag, Ugine Aciers de Châtillon et Gueugnon, Outokumpu OY and Avesta AB have, during the years 1986, 1987 and 1988 (January to April), infringed Article 65 (1) of the ECSC Treaty by entering into the Agreement dated 15 April 1986 concerning quotas and prices which prevented, restricted and distorted normal competition in the common market by controlling production and by sharing markets and customers.

33. (A4-0390/97) by Mr Tillich and Mr Tomlinson, on behalf of the Committee on Budgets, on the draft general budget of the European Communities for the financial year 1998, as modified by the Council (Sections I to VI) (C4-0600/97) and on amending letter 1/98 to the 1998 preliminary draft budget, Section III - Commission (C4-0645/97)-(A4-0409/97) by Mr Giansily, on behalf of the Committee on Budgets, on the draft ECSC operating budget for 1998 (SEC(97)0933 - C4-0270/97)

34. Order of the Court of First Instance (Second Chamber, extended composition) of 19 June 1996. - NMH Stahlwerke GmbH, Eurofer ASBL, Arbed SA, Cockerill-Sambre SA, Thyssen Stahl AG, Unimétal - Société française des aciers longs SA, Krupp Hoesch Stahl AG, Preussag Stahl AG, British Steel plc, Siderurgica Aristrain Madrid SL and Empresa Nacional Siderurgica SA v Commission of the European Communities. - Procedure - Article 23 of the Protocol on the Statute of the Court of Justice of the ECSC - Defendant institution - Documents relating to the case - Production - Confidentiality. - Joined cases T-134/94, T-136/94, T-137/94, T-138/94, T-141/94, T-145/94, T-147/94, T-148/94, T-151/94, T-156/94 and T-157/94.

35. 68 Secondly, it follows from case-law that, while the principles of legal certainty and of the protection of legitimate expectations require the withdrawal of an unlawful measure to occur within a reasonable time and regard must be had to how far the person concerned might have been led to rely on the lawfulness of the measure, the fact remains that such withdrawal is, in principle, permitted (see, in particular, Joined Cases 7/56 and 3/57 to 7/57 Algera and Others v Common Assembly of the ECSC [1957] ECR 39, at 55 and 56; Case 14/81 Alpha Steel v Commission [1982] ECR 749, paragraph 10; and Case 15/85 Consorzio Cooperative d’Abruzzo v Commission [1987] ECR 1005, paragraph 12).